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Director - Prof. Lei Chen

Professor Lei Chen has issued more than 200 arbitral awards as sole arbitrator, party-appointed arbitrator and presiding arbitrator in Chinese and English, both domestic and international, including those governed by the rules of the HKIAC, UNCITRAL, ICC, CIETAC, SIAC, SCIA, and BAC. The cases concern the disputes of sale of goods, banking, real estate and construction, financial, oil and gas (including LNG supply contract), maritime, corporate governance (including shareholder agreements) and insurance.

He has been engaged as a PRC law expert in court proceedings in London Commercial Court, Hong Kong High Court, Singapore High Court, and New York State Court, and commercial and investment arbitration proceedings in HKIAC, SIAC, ICC, ICSID, PCA and LCIA. 

 Recent Work:

  • Engaged by a foreign investor in a PCA-administered UNCITRAL treaty arbitration against an Asian state concerning claims arising out of the expropriation and unfair treatment of an investment in an agricultural business, with over $300 million in dispute
  • Engaged by a Southeast Asian investor in an ICSID-administered treaty arbitration against an Asian state concerning claims arising out of the expropriation and unfair treatment of an investment in the mining business, with over 4 00 million in dispute;
  • Engaged by a Chinese party in a Hong Kong Court of First Instance litigation concerning claims concerning the non bis in idem rule under PRC civil procedure law and enforcement of PRC judgment in Hong Kong;
  • Engaged by a family foundation of Hong Kong in a Court of the family foundation of Hong Kong in a Court of Final Appeal litigation concerning charity law and charity law and state immunity rules under PRC law with over USD 8 billion;
  • Engaged by a Chinese party in a Hong Kong High Court proceeding concerning the refusal to recognise a PRC arbitral award on the grounds of public policy;
  • Engaged by a US company in a SIAC--SIAC-administered arbitration concerning claims arising out of a share purchase n to claims arising out of a share purchase agreement in a heavy industry sector;
  • Engaged a Chinese state-owned company in an HKIAC-administered arbitration case concerning claims about the procedural rules under the PRC legal framework governing the examination and approval procedures;
  • Engaged by a Chinese state-owned company in an Australian Cowned company in Australian Court litigation concerning financial fraud and corruption rules;
  • Engaged by a Singapore-listed company in a Singapore High Court proceeding concerning the tax and social security contribution issues;
  • Engaged by a Chinese--incorporated limited company in litigation before the Singapore International Commercial Court concerning claims on contract validity and illegality;
  • Engaged by a Singapore company in an SICC litigation concerning claims over financial fraud and civil procedure issues of PRC law;
  • Engaged by a Canadian company in a court proceeding in Vancouver concerning a dispute on PRC evidence rules;
  • Engaged by a Hong Kong investor in a Hong Kong Court of First Instance proceedings concerning the PRC rules of limitation period;
  • Engaged by an Isle of Man—incorporated company in a London Commercial Court proceedings concerning the PRC PRC Foreign Investment Law disputes;
  • Engaged by British investors in London Commercial Court proceedings concerning the conflict of law rules don Commercial Court proceedings concerning the conflict of law rules of PRC.

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