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We are delighted to announce that after submitting her PhD thesis in April, Georgina Robinson passed her viva voce examination in July 2023.

Introducing Dr. Georgina Robinson

We are delighted to announce that after submitting her PhD thesis in April, Georgina Robinson passed her viva voce examination in July 2023.

Georgina’s thesis, ‘Alkaline Hydrolysis: The Future of British Death-Styles’, was examined by Dr John Troyer (University of Bath) and Professor Jonathan Miles-Watson (University of Durham). Georgina was supervised by Professor Douglas Davies (CDALS Director) and Professor Mathew Guest (Head of the Department of Theology and Religion).

Dr John Troyer wrote on Twitter that Georgina ‘passed her Ph.D. viva defense on alkaline hydrolysis #disposaltech with FLYING COLOURS!!!!’. Her research, which explores how alkaline hydrolysis may be adopted in accordance with the sociocultural and worldview contours of contemporary Britain, is the first study of the funerary innovation in the United Kingdom and involved transatlantic fieldwork in the UK and USA.

Her thesis is available to read online via this link:

Following the completion of her PhD, Georgina has continued to work with CDALS as a Postdoctoral Research Associate on the CHANSE-funded Digital Death Project, working alongside Professor Davies and academics at the Universities of Helsinki, Aarhus, and Bucharest. Keep an eye out on the CDALS website for further updates about our work on the Digital Death Project as it develops over the next two years.

Congratulations, Dr Robinson!