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group picture from the After Life Conference Photo taken at the drinks reception at the conclusion of the conference featuring some of the attendees (not all present)

On 2 December 2022, CDALS members attended the one-day After Life: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Death and Dying Conference at Newcastle University.

CDALS Attends After Life Conference

On 2 December 2022, CDALS members attended the one-day After Life: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Death and Dying Conference at Newcastle University.

The conference was jointly organised by Newcastle University and Durham University – with special thanks to Timea Solyomvari and George Bocean for their hard work organising the conference. With speakers from ranging from Durham to Rome, Newcastle to Antwerp, and as far afield as Santiago, the conference was well attended by colleagues from throughout Europe. The day was packed with intriguing papers and fascinating question and answer sessions.

Georgina Robinson, CDALS PhD Student, delivered a paper concerning her PhD research: ‘Alkaline Hydrolysis: The Future of British Death-Styles'.

Professor Douglas Davies, CDALS Director, was invited to deliver the conference’s keynote address, entitled ‘Energy and the Dynamics of Death’.