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Addressing barries call for research

Marie Curie opens new call for research and webinar

Addressing Barriers to Equitable End of Live Experience – New Call for Research from Marie Curie

At Marie Curie our purpose is to create a better end of life for all. We want to see high quality end of life care and support for everybody, but we know that profound and persistent inequalities exist in access to, and experiences of, care and support for people affected by dying, death and bereavement.

Research can play a part in changing this, providing the evidence needed to drive improvements to policy and practice that can reduce inequities at the end of life. That is why through Call 12 of the Marie Curie Research Grants Scheme we are inviting proposals for research that can help understand, and critically address barriers to equitable end of life experience.


Proposed research projects should be built in equal partnership with representatives of the communities or groups that are the focus of the research proposal and uplifting their voices should be a key priority; funding to support this early involvement of community representatives in proposal development can be requested from Marie Curie.


Further details, guidance for applicants and the EOI form are available here


We invite you to sign up to our discovery webinar from 2-3pm on Wednesday 21st June to learn more about the call, ask questions and network with others.


The call will be open to expressions of interest (EOIs) from 6th June to 24th July 2023 and lead applicants of shortlisted EOIs will be invited to submit a full application to the scheme.