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This opening statement of UKRI has led into a series of calls for proposals around digital skills that allow us to exploit digital research infrastructure (DRI). Durham scientists have been and are involved in several of these bids. At the same time, Durham already offers DRI upskilling in various forms already. This workshop brings people together that are involved and interested in DRI. We plan to create a Durham landscape overview, and discuss various questions around these bids:

  • Can we describe pathways through all the bids, i.e. are there overlaps or natural fits?
  • Can we brand the various activities from Durham’s point of view better to increase their visibility and profile?
  • Can we help each other?
  • Can we do realise some ideas that was not funded nevertheless as we consider them critical to our landscape?
  • What DRI upskilling is missing and not covered by any grant bid?
  • Can we explore further synergies?

This event is for Durham colleagues only and free of charge. However, we’d appreciate a registration to help us with the logistics, which you can find here. Please let us know if you are involved in a DRI skills bid or DRI skills offerings and would like to present your activities.

Tentative programme:

14:30 Welcome coffee

15:00 Welcome note on behalf of IDAS

15:10 Alan Real: Retreats in the N8

15:20 Eamonn Bell: t.b.c.

15:30 t.b.c.

15:40 Tobias Weinzierl: Large-scale technical upskilling

15:50 t.b.c.

16:00 t.b.c.

16:10 Tobias Weinzierl: Knowledge Exchange

16:20 Carlton Baugh: Accelerated computing

16:30 Workshop