Our Research
The research expertise of the CSDLP covers a wider range of areas. We have expertise in international environmental law, climate protection agreements, national legal and political governance of climate change and the intersection of climate change with human rights law. Our research covers energy law and regulation and energy economics. Furthermore, colleagues work on ecological sustainability and renewable energy law and the production of energy from renewable sources offshore.
We are interested in the ‘big’ and overarching questions that address the responses of international law to global challenges and collective action problems, and we focus on particular issues that occur in the energy transition, such as developing bankable power purchase agreements.
Our works covers strategies to optimisation of government policies, such as carbon taxes and energy subsidies as well as the political economy dimension of environmental policy.
In addition, colleagues have expertise in private law, litigation and in extraterritorial adjudication, in the context of climate change, the regulation and governance of energy efficiency and low carbon technologies.
We are not only focused on the European Union and the Global North, but expand to include South-Asia, China, and the Global South in our research.
Get in Touch
Enquiries about the Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy should be sent via the email below.
Contact Us
Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy
Durham University Law School
Palatine Centre
Stockton Road