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A group photo of academics after a meeting.

JusTN0W Team gathered at Grey College Durham for team building, strategic thinking, and unifying the ideas and plans.

JusTN0W becomes reality!

It was a great pleasure to see the full team of the Just Transitions to a Net Zero World (JusTN0W) initiative at our first Away Day at Grey College, Durham University. Thanks to all for a productive meeting.

The team came together to discuss the four strands of the JusTN0W delivery plan:

1. Concepts of just transitions and legal compliance

2. AI-based systems and digital twin infrastructures

3. Integrated/multiagent models and instruments analysis

4. Capacity building and knowledge transfer

The JusTN0W initiative is embedded into the Durham Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy (CSDLP) and operates out of the Durham Law School but across all faculties of the University.


The JusTN0W initiative aligns with the United Nations' #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (#SDGs) and reaffirms Durham's commitment to global research excellence while contributing to the University’s global standing. The work programme centres on interdisciplinary research to develop sustainable and just solutions for societies facing global challenges, such as climate change and biodiversity loss.

JusTN0W represents a unique opportunity for our academic community to make a meaningful impact in addressing issues that sit at the heart of Just Transitions - and we want to do so in collaboration with our existing and new partners. More information on the CSDLP and the JusTN0W initiative can be found here. We are in the process of hiring new colleagues to the team, please see the latest information here: JusTN0W Vacancies - Durham University

The Principal Investigators, Petra Minnerop (Law), Laura Marsiliani (Economics), John Bothwell (Biosciences), and Nelly Bencomo (Computer Science), and the Co-Investigators Adebola Adeyemi, PhD, Chartered FCSI (Law), Adefolake Adeyeye (Law), Ashar Aftab (Economics), Amir Atapour Abarghouei (Computer Science), Dr Smith I. Azubuike, FHEA (law), Ashraf Osman (Engineering), Habib Rahman (Economics), Andrew Russell (Anthropology), Rozemarijn Roland Holst (Law), Robert Song (Theology), Angelia, Jia Wang (Law), and Chris Stokes (Geography), were supported throughout the day by Christopher Szabla, Assistant Professor in International Law; the Durham Research and Innovation Services Team Carol Heatley, Senior European Funding Manager at Durham University; Dr Sam Rushworth, Programme Manager for the Strategic Research Fund Durham University; Maria Aznarez, Senior Research Development Manager and Ghulam Mustafa Kamran, Research Associate of the CSDLP.