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Durham researcher informs UK energy security and AI policy

A Durham research student has played a pivotal role in developing cutting-edge policy considerations for the UK Parliament, focusing on energy security and Artificial Intelligence (AI).
A group photo from the POST board meeting

Harnessing AI to respond to the global threat of antimicrobial resistance

A prototype AI chatbot tool has been developed to help pull together vital human, animal and environmental health information to support the global response to antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
A diagram of the One Health model

Explore January's Community Newsletter

Want to know more about how we interact with our local community? Our monthly Community Newsletter explores the news, events, and research both at Durham University and in the city itself.
Members of the Durham student theatre stand onstage and sing in a performance

Spotlight on: Professor Stephen Gorard - championing use of evidence to improve education outcomes

In our new ‘Spotlight on’ series, we’re highlighting how our researchers are leading their field and transforming lives. Professor Stephen Gorard, from our School of Education, is a pioneer in evidence-informed improvements to educational opportunities.
Professor Stephen Gorard standing with his arms crossed against a black background

Physicists use telescopic trick to discover new stars

An international team of physicists, led in the UK by our Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, has discovered over 40 previously unknown stars.
Image from the James Web Space Telescope showing newly discovered stars in the distant Dragon Arc galaxy

Prestigious Leverhulme Fellowship awarded to social psychology pioneer

Professor Richard Crisp from our top-rated Psychology department has been honoured with the prestigious Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship to develop a groundbreaking theory in social psychology.
Professor Richard Crisp

Red advantage fades in power

For athletes hoping to gain an advantage, new research suggests wearing red may not be the boost it once was. In 2005, research led by Professors Russell Hill and Robert Barton in our Department of Anthropology found that wearing red boosted the chances of success in some sports. However, two decades later, a new study involving the same researchers finds that wearing red may no longer provide the sporting advantage it once did.
Two martial arts competitors with white sports wear one with a red protective vest, the other with a blue protective vest

Undergraduate participates in long-standing British game show

Third year Engineering student David Millar has followed in his grandfather’s footsteps and taken part in word and mathematical game show ‘Countdown’.
A smiling young man with his name lit up sits at a desk near a large clock