Want to know more about how we interact with our local community? Our monthly Community Newsletter explores the news, events, and research both at Durham University and in the city itself.
In the newsletter we celebrate the launch of a new scholarship for young people from the North East who come from lower income households. Our Chancellor Dr Fiona Hill introduced the scholarship as her way of ‘giving back.'
In addition, the King and Queen will visit Durham in April, actor James Corden shared his advice in a Durham lecture, and we’re looking forward to welcoming prospective students for open days on Monday 24 March and Saturday 26 April.
Towards equality in higher education
We also highlight our new Access and Participation Plan to improve equality of opportunity in higher education and make our university more diverse and inclusive than ever before.
We’ve identified particular groups of students who face extra challenges in accessing and participating in higher education, and we’ve developed targeted support to help people from these groups progress.
Upcoming events in your community
There’s plenty of events to enjoy in and around the University and Durham City this month and next, and we spotlight some of these in the newsletter.
They include our Holi Festival celebrations at the Oriental Museum, as well as the new Shakespeare Recovered Exhibition at Palace Green Library. This exhibition tells the story of the folio's theft and our conservation team's work to restore it.
Research spotlight
Our staff continue to conduct impactful research. Babies show positive responses to the smell of foods they were exposed to in the womb, according to research led by our Department of Psychology.
Researchers from our Department of Biosciences have made the surprising discovery that a type of gut bacteria has evolved to perform an important function after death. And our Department of Geography led a new large-scale study of crevasses – wedge-shaped fractures or cracks – on the world’s second-largest body of ice.
To read more about all these stories, you can access March's newsletter via the link below.
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