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MNU Members

On September 25, the Matariki Network of Universities (MNU) launched a call for research seed funding. This funding will develop a stronger relationship between the Network partners in globally relevant fields of research.

Chaired by our Vice-Chancellor and Warden 

Our Vice-Chancellor and Warden, Professor Karen O’Brien chaired the annual Matariki Executive Board Meeting in Perth last week. Professor O’Brien has been Chair for the last two years and has overseen an exciting period of development during her tenure.  

The Network have established five new principles to guide their priority activities of research, collaboration and engagement. These principles are a commitment to transnational dialogue, academic freedom and autonomy, freedom of expression, respect for diversity, critical friendship and purposeful collaboration for improving lives.   

The Matariki Network of Universities 

Founded in 2011, the MNU is a network of seven like-minded and research-led universities, who have research, education, and benchmarking & sharing of best practice at their core. In the Network, Durham has partnered with universities from the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Germany and Sweden. In the last two years, researchers at MNU partner universities have co-authored more than 1,000 co-publications and since its inception in 2010, Network members have exchanged over 1,200 students.    

Matariki Leadership Initiative 

Most recently, Durham led on the Matariki Leadership Initiative for professional services staff across the network. Designed to connect professional colleagues from across the Network, the 2023 Leadership Initiative welcomed 44 participants from Durham University, University of Otago in New Zealand, Queen’s University in Canada, and Uppsala University in Sweden.  

Funding to support collaboration  

The call for research seed funding will further strengthen this collaboration. Through a competitive process, MNU will jointly advertise, select and fund collaborative bi-, tri and multilateral research projects between MNU institutions. 

“The Matariki Network is particularly important to Durham as it fosters research collaborations that improve lives globally. The Call for Seed Funding can only further the Network’s vision of ‘partnering for a better world”.  

Professor Colin Bain, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Durham University    


Proposals covering any thematic area will be considered, but applications in areas related to the United Nations’ SDGs are particularly welcome. Projects must also demonstrate alignment to MNU’s five guiding principles and values.  

The call opened on 25 September 2023 with a submission deadline of 8 December 2023.  


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