Our Computer Science department is home to world-class research and innovation

Our Computer Science Department is among the top-10 in the UK, and we are proud to be at the forefront of technological advancement and pioneering innovation. We host world-class research in our department that solves real-world problems.
Virtual Physiotherapist
We are co-creating with patients and clinicians a device to support a patient undertake physical therapy in the form of repetitive task training at home.
The device can be used standalone or supervised remotely by a clinician. When used in remote mode by clinician, it provides an effective way of managing patients in the community with a decision support dashboard for the clinician.
The device has a camera to track limb and joint, assess quality of motion comparing to a reference and calculates a score. Based on the assessment a recommender can adapt the exercise or suggest a new exercise.
Intel Academic Centre of Excellence
We are a host to the UK’s first Intel oneAPI Academic Centre of Excellence.
The centre will conduct research on task-based and GPU programming using oneAPI, and it will also organise workshops and tutorials that will not just be open to our students and researchers, but colleagues from all over the world.
The research will allow Computer Science to deliver a software called OneExaHyPE which can be used to simulate wave phenomena ranging from gravitational waves to tsunamis to earthquakes.
The new Centre of Excellence at Durham will work on extending the capabilities of a simulation engine, called ExaHyPE. This is similar to a graphics engine in computer games and allows users to write wave equation solvers quickly and easily with a lot of the technical complexity hidden.
Further development of ExaHyPE could enable it to operate across a wide range of computers powered by many cores and/or Graphics Processing Units (GPU).
The project is a joint collaboration between scientists and research software engineers from Intel, our Advanced Research Computing, and Department of Computer Science with support from our Institute for Computational Cosmology (ICC).
ExaHyPE is used by our Institute for Computational Cosmology (ICC), Technical University Munich (TUM), the Ludwig Maximilans University (LMU) and the EU’s ChEESE consortium for different tasks such as the mergers of binary black holes, earthquake risk assessment and tsunami propagation.
The code is also used to assess and benchmark upcoming supercomputing technologies.
Find out more
- Learn more about the work of Professor Dorothy Monekosso and Professor Tobias Weinzierl.
- Find out more about OnaExaHyPE.
- Interested in studying at Durham? Explore our undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
Our Department of Computer Science is growing, with ambitious plans for the future and an inclusive, vibrant and international community at its heart. Ranked as a UK Top 10 Department (Complete University Guide 2023), our students develop knowledge and gain essential and transferable skills through high quality teaching, delivered by a passionate team of leading academics.
Feeling inspired? Visit our Computer Science webpages to learn more about our postgraduate and undergraduate programmes.