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Part B - Arrival

On this page students can access information and forms required to be submitted on arrival for Turing funding
Click here to return to the Turing hub
Letter B

This form should be completed within the first 28 day of your placement. 

What you must do:

The following forms must be submitted within 28 days of starting your placement. You must save any forms with the format: [Surname][FirstName]_[DocumentName].[FileType] 

Grant Agreement < This will be emailed to you after your Part A application has been processed. You must ensure the Grant Agreement is signed before the start date of your placement and per mobility you undertake. You must upload the grant agreement in the portal below. Please save with the format above (e.g. BloggsJo_GrantAgreement.pdf). 

Turing Arrival Certificate < - Please click on the hyperlink to to download this form. Please ensure you and your host abroad fill it out in full. You must upload the Arrival Certificate in the portal below. Please save with the format above (e.g. BloggsJo_ArrivalCertificate.pdf). 

> Turing Learning Agreement < - Please click on the hyperlink to to download this form. Please ensure you fill it out in full. You must upload the Learning Agreement in the portal. Please save with the format above (e.g. BloggsJo_LearningAgreement.pdf).

Document Submission Portal < - Please upload your documents in this online portal. You will be required to: fill out personal details; details about your placement; and upload your documents. Documents emailed directly will not be accepted.


Submission of the form: These forms are required to authorise your 70% grant instalment. Without these forms, you will not receive your grant. The grant is calculated on the exact dates provided on your arrival certificate, so please be accurate.

Privacy Notice: The information on this form will be used by the Exchange and Study abroad Team, Durham University, for the administration of Turing funding, and will be managed in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations. In submitting this form you consent to the information which you provide being held and processed by the International Office for the purposes specified above. For further information about the University’s Data Protection Policy please see,

Payment of Grants: Grant payments are not automated. A member of staff must check each of your submissions to ensure you have met the relevant requirements. This can take up to two weeks. Turing grant payments are authorised and processed in batches, mid-month once per month. Thereafter it may take your bank up to a week to process payments.

70% Grant Amount: This will be pro-rated according to the exact dates on the arrival certificate, rather than the predicted dates you gave in Part A.


Letter C

Part C Departure Submission

Part C - Departure certification information and forms that must be submitted WITHIN 28 DAYS OF DEPARTURE from the placement can be accessed from this page

Click here for the Part C portal
An image of a tick

Turing Grant Checklist

We recommend that students download the Turing grant checklist

Click here for the checklist