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Part A - pre-Placement

On this page students can access information and the forms required pre-departure for Turing funding
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Letter A

Please ensure that you have visited the Turing hub that provides information about the submission process. You must meet all eligibility requirements, including:

  • the 28 day on-placement minimum duration
  • whether the academic year for which you are applying is eligible (see: eligibility period)
  • having Viator approved for the period abroad

In order to be eligible for your Turing Grant, you are required to submit a number of documents per mobility you undertake. Documentation is required at different points of your placement abroad. Links to all documents (excluding the Grant Agreement) can be found below.

What you must do first:

The following forms must be submitted at least a month before you leave Durham.

Turing Grant Application Portal < - Please apply for your Grant Agreement via this online portal. You will be required to: fill out personal details and details about your placement.

Please also ensure that you complete all pre-departure processes applicable to your placement. This includes applying for and receiving approval for Viator travel cover through the Insurance Service. Please note that Viator this is a non-International Office process, which requires you to submit information and a risk assessment, which will need to be approved by your Department and the Insurance Service. The approval process may take up to a month to be approved. Grants will be pro-rated to only cover time abroad where Viator is approved and in place.

What you will receive:

Grant Agreement. The Grant Agreement is a contract between you (the student) and Durham University (the funding administrator) outlining the conditions of your placement including your grant rate and total allocation. This document will be produced manually and emailed to you once you have submitted your Grant Application. You will be required to countersign the form and submit it in the Part B portal.



Letter B

Part B Arrival Submission

Part B - Arrival information and forms that must be submitted WITHIN 28 DAYS OF ARRIVAL can be accessed from this page.

Click here for the Part B portal
An image of a tick

Turing Grant Checklist

We recommend that students download the Turing grant checklist

Click here for the checklist