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Turing Grants

This page gives an approximate indication of the grant rates that students may be able to receive. Please note: funding is not infinite and the number of months that can be funded may be restricted.
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A Turing Scheme grant is provided as a contribution towards the cost of living whilst undertaking a period of mobility abroad. It is not intended to cover all expenses. It is also not guaranteed, since funding is not unlimited. 

The grant amount is based on the duration of the period of study, work or voluntary internship. Duration is calculated from the first day a student is required to be at their place of study or work until the last date they need to be present.

The grant can vary depending on the destination country and whether you meet the criteria under the scheme for additional support as a student from a disadvantaged background.

The country categories, distance categories and rates used to calculate grants are set by the Turing Scheme / UK Government and not by Durham.

The grant is paid in two parts. The first 70% instalment after the required documentation set out in Part A (pre-placement) and Part B (Arrival) have been returned. The final 30% will be paid at the end of the mobility period, on receipt of the final paperwork set out in Part C (departure) and subject to any changes in duration of activity. If the placement length differs to the period allocated based on the participant's original plans, the financial support will be adjusted accordingly.

Grant Rates

Countries are grouped into three categories: Group 1 (high cost of living), Group 2 (medium cost of living), Group 3 (lower cost of living). For a list of countries and categories see our Turing Country Categories webpage.  

The rates that will be provided are: 

Country group

Length of placement


Group 1 4-8 weeks* £136.25 per week
Groups 2&3 4-8 weeks* £120 per week 

Group 1

Over 8 weeks*

£380 per month

Groups 2&3

Over 8 weeks*

£335 per month

*Please note, when calculating the overall grant:

- the amount will be pro-rated to the day (as evidenced by arrival and departure certificates).

- placements over 8 weeks in duration will have the entire duration calculated at the over 8 week monthly rate. E.g. a student spending 12 weeks in a Group 1 country:

  • will receive: Grant = Sum (3 months x £380) = £1,140
  • will not receive: Grant = Sum (8 weeks x £136.25 per week) + (1 month x £380 per month) = £1,470 


Additional Financial Support 

Students who meet the specific criteria for additional financial support may* be entitled to receive a higher cost of living grant as outlined below: 

Country group

Length of placement


Group 1 4-8 weeks £163.50 per week
Groups 2&3 4-8 weeks £147.50 per week 

Group 1

Over 8 weeks

£490 per month

Groups 2&3

Over 8 weeks

£445 per month

Students who meet the criteria may* also receive funding as a contribution towards the cost of travel. This will be dependent on the distance between the University and the destination provider as outlined below: 

  • 10 to 99km: £20 
  • 100 to 499km: £165 
  • 500 to 1,999km: £250 
  • 2,000 to 2,999km: £325 
  • 3,000 to 3,999km: £480 
  • 4,000 to 7,999km: £745 
  • 8,000 to 12,000km: £905 
  • 12,000km+: £1,360 

NB: from academic year 2024-25 the travel figures above are not a lump sum. They are the maximum that can be claimed against receipts. 

Students with a household income of £25,000 or less, meet the criteria for this additional financial support. Students who will be funded under the Turing Scheme will be asked in the online form used for the grant agreement whether this is applicable to their circumstances and this information will be verified using records held centrally at the University.

Other criteria to be eligible for this additional financial support is outlined below. If you declare that you meet the additional financial support (WP criteria). The International Office will then check the information with Durham's Student Finance Service / Widening Access data. The criteria include.

  • Students receiving Universal Credit or income-related benefits because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or partner.
  • Care leavers and students who are care-experienced. This refers to anyone who has been or is currently in care or from a looked after background at any stage of their life, no matter how short, including adopted children who were previously looked after or those who access the Care Experienced Bursary in Scotland.
  • Student who have caring responsibilities. Caring responsibilities refers to a child or young person up to the age of 25 years old who provides (unpaid) care or intends to provide care for another person in, or outside of, the family home for someone who is physically or mentally ill, disabled, or mis-using drugs or alcohol.
  • Estranged Students where neither of the students' parents can be found or it is not reasonably practicable to get in touch with them.
  • Refugees and asylum seekers.

*Why only "may" receive? 

The University receives a limited amount of Turing funding of which only a limited part may be given to the Additional Financial Support uplift. In the likely event that there are a greater number of disadvantaged students than Additional Financial Support uplift available, the University may only be able to fund some widening access students at the lower base rate. We therefore advise students to plan using the lower rate.