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Graduate (Funding) Opportunities

For students looking to further their studies after graduating at Durham, some worldwide funding may be available.
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Shields and crests hung in a Padua University lecture theatre

Durham does not provide funding for our graduates to undertake a further full degree at an international university. Likewise we do not a full library of the worldwide programmes to fund Masters and further degrees. The list below includes programmes that we have been made aware of. Durham University is not responsible for the currency, accuracy, or legality of the content from external links on the site. Links are provided for informational purposes and do not constitute endorsements. Please be aware that the list will not be frequently reviewed, links may break, some deadlines may have passed, but they have been left as some may be promoted annually.

Country Institution Name & Description URL
China Peking University

Yenching Academy - Fully funded interdisciplinary master's program in China Studies
China Tsinghua University

Graduate School - Qualified outstanding applicants will be considered for full scholarships, which usually cover tuition fees, free university dormitory or accommodation subsidy, stipend, and comprehensive medical insurance. 


All Universities

DAAD One Year Grant - Funding from the German government to cover living costs and insurance for one year of a master’s programme in the German or English language. Most universities in Germany charge no tuition fees. Application deadline each year 1st December.

United States University of Pennsylvania

Thouron Award
Funding for a full-time postgraduate programme.