Global Opportunities Drop-In
Global Week 1st Year Drop-in Session
- Date: Wednesday 5 March
- Time: 14:00 - 16:30
- Location: Geography, room W414
First year students are invited to attend throughout the afternoon to speak to staff and returning students about the possible Global Opportunities available to them throughout their degree at Durham.
Come along and chat to:
Global Opportunities Team: Learn about the Year Abroad study exchange programmes.
Faculty Placement Managers: Learn about the Placement Year work abroad programmes.
Global Internships Manager: Learn about Summer global internships and volunteering placements.
ESN Exchange Society & returning students: Speak to students from ESN and returning students who have completed a Global Opportunity to ask about their experience.
Centre for Foreign Language Study: Discover the availability of language courses that you can enrol in alongside your degree by speaking to staff from CFLS about the courses that are available.
See you there!
#DUGlobalOpportunities on Social Media
See student stories, pictures from DU undergraduates abroad and keep up to date with the latest opportunities available by following #DUglobalopportunities on social media