Our successful 'careers weeks' series returns for a third year
Our series of careers weeks and fairs explores a range of sectors over two academic terms, providing our students and graduates with a whole host of opportunities to gain advice and information on different career pathways.
Attendees can also register to meet individual employers and professionals, and learn about work experience openings.
Last year’s careers weeks and fairs programme was a resounding success, with 81% of students indicating they felt that their attendance had a positive impact on their career planning.
This term’s events will focus on key graduate recruitment sectors, including Law, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths), and Banking, Finance and Consulting. The fairs and employer-led sessions are a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn about different professions, sectors and live opportunities that are open this term.
Quiet half hour during fairs
A new introduction to this year’s careers fairs will be a quiet half hour in the final 30 minutes from 3.30 - 4pm. This quieter time is for those who prefer a more relaxed environment, and ensures all students can benefit from the fairs. We kindly ask all attending students to respect this dedicated period by allowing others the space to enjoy the fair at their own pace.
A range of careers within specific sectors
While our careers weeks and fairs are divided into themes, employers from the sectors on offer aren’t just looking for students with degrees in those areas. They value a wide range of skills and experiences from other spheres.
STEM employers often have roles in management, consulting, and business operations that don’t require a technical degree. Similarly, our Law careers week and fair is for students interested in converting to Law after their degree, as well as Law students looking to meet firms and find out more about legal careers, vacation schemes, or training contracts.
We encourage our students to keep their options open and take time to explore a spectrum of sectors. By attending events and fairs, students can gain valuable insights into various industries and get information and advice to support applications and career ideas.
Further resources and support
Each of the careers weeks is supported by online resources on a dedicated SharePoint site for students. Further resources are also provided on our CareersConnect platform, which includes information on employer profiles, live vacancies, careers fact sheets and skill development tips, as well as advice on CV writing, applying for jobs and how to book an appointment to chat to one of our careers advisors.
Programme of events
Michaelmas term
Epiphany term
The careers weeks and fairs are open to all Durham students irrespective of academic discipline or level of study. Students planning to attend do not need to book in advance, but must bring their campus card along.
Find out more
- Read more about the careers fair for part-time jobs, placements and volunteering
- Explore our Careers, Employability and Enterprise pages
- Employers interested in taking part in our careers events should visit our employer webpages
For our students
- Read more about the part-time jobs, placements and volunteering careers fair
- View the full series of careers weeks and fairs and explore our dedicated Careers and Enterprise pages
- Read help sheets and articles on networking, preparing for a careers fair, and how to use the LinkedIn alumni tool
- Explore further resources on work experience and the placement year
- Search for vacancies, career events and book career appointments on our CareersConnect platform
- Take a look at recent graduate Amy Nugent’s blog about student fairs at Durham
About our Careers, Employability and Enterprise service
There are several ways that students can contact the Careers, Employability and Enterprise team with any career-related queries. The team is here to support all students at Durham, regardless of stage of career planning. The team welcomes contact with students with specific questions, or students unsure about finding work experience, or exploring career ideas equally.
Visit us in the Careers Office (Palatine Centre) Monday-Friday, 10am-4pm
Log in to CareersConnect to ask a careers question