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2010 - 2016

At a dinner in London in 2011, the idea of a second Ogden Building was first posed, intended to house Fundamental Physics. It soon hosted both the IPPP and the ICC. 

The 10th anniversary of the Ogden Centre was celebrated on the 18th September 2012, with five lectures. Dinners were held simultaneously in three locations, the Castle Great Hall, and the Senate Chambers of Castle and Hatfield college. The five lectures explored the questions:

  • What is Dark Matter, how much is there and where is it? - Professor Carlos Frenk FRS
  • What is Dark Energy, when and where was it generated? - Professor Shaun Cole
  • How do the masses of elemental particles arise? - Professor Nigel Glover
  • What are the masses of the neutrinos and how have they influenced the evolution of the universe? - Dr. Silvia Pascoli
  • What is the origin of planets and life? - Professor Martin Ward

In the ICC in 2014, Claudia Lagos was awarded the MERAC prize for the best doctoral thesis in theoretical physics. Her research focussed on the implementation of star formation in simulations modelling galaxy births.

In November 2016, the ICC moved into the brand new Ogden Building West, which now housed all three astronomical groups, having received £1.5 million from the Wolfson Foundation, and £3.35 million from the Ogden Trust.


On the 26th of May, the J. A. Chalmers Anniversary Meeting marked the 50th anniversary of his death.









Ogden Centre for Fundamental Physics

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