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G.D. Rochester replaced Wagstaff as Head of the Physics Department.

He was a cosmic ray physicist, who moved to Durham from Manchester University. He brought with him A.W. Wolfendale, J.V. Major and A.J. Apostolakis. Together, they developed a Cosmic Ray School in Durham. Wolfendale had previously rejected an invitation to study 'Physics with Radio' in Durham, for he did not understand who would want to live here. Once arriving in 1955, he remained for the rest of his career.
Alan Martin talks about his impressions of the Physics Department
Photograph of George Rochester

Video: Alan Martin explains how after WWII University creation expanded


Many new universities were approved for construction, including Sussex, York, Canterbury, Colchester, Coventry and Lancaster.



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How 1950s research inspired Paula Chadwick

Paula describes the cosmological research, stretching all the way back to George Rochester's time in the 1950s, that inspired her.

More Paula Chadwick videos
Students in a Physics Lab in the Rochester Building 1960s

The 1960s

In the 1960s teaching moved into the newly constructed Rochester Building, named after George Rochester.

Durham in the 1960s