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Admissions Exam: scripture history

What tribes were settled East of Jordan, and why?

What was the duration and principal scene of the ministry of Jesus Christ?

Admissions Exam: Arithmetic

Divide one million and sixty-two by seven thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven.

Find the compound interest on £1,200 for two years at 2 3/4 per cent.

Admissions Exam: Algebra

Resolve into factors: (a + b)2 - 11c(a + b) + 30c2

Multiply a2 + b2 + c2 - bc - ca - ab by a + b + c

Admission Exam: euclid

Define straight line, plain superficies, parallel straight lines.

Prove any two sides of a triangle are together greater than the third side.

Final Examination: General Paper

Describe and explain the riot at Ephesus.

Explain with reference to the context :- God is a spirit.

State fully wherein the importance of the history of the resurrection as a head of evidence consists.

What was the exact relation of Tiberius to Augustus? Describe briefly the circumstances under with Tiberius succeeded Augustus.

Final Examination: General Paper

Give a short sketch of the life and character of Germanicus.

Describe and account for the relation of England and Scotland prior to the union.

Describe in detail Wadpole's domestic policy.

Describe the machinery of the human arm.

'Nature has a strong tendency to equalization'. How far do you think that this obliterates the inequalities of fortune in individuals? 

Final Examination: Mechanics and Newton

State and prove Newton's Lemma VII. Comment on the language. 

Define the Hodograph and prove that the velocity in the hodograph gives the acceleration in the original orbit.

Final examination: Analytical Geometry

Prove that there exists a conic which passes through the six middle points of the six lines joining four given points and that with respect to this conic, the direction conjugate to that of the line joining the middle points of any pair of opposite lines is the line joining the intersections of the other two pairs.

Final Examination: Optics and Plane astronomy

Show that the deviation of a ray refracted at a single surface increased with the angle of incidence and as the angle of incidence increases uniformly the deviation increases faster and faster. 

What are Focal Lines? Determine the position of the focal lines after oblique refraction at a spherical surface. 

Describe and explain the phases of Venus and determine at what elongation from the Sun she seems brightest.