Click on a person's profile to watch them talk about the history and development of the department, their research work, their inspiration and why they chose Durham.
From being inspired by the Apollo 11 moon landings, Paula Chadwick went on the study at Queen Mary University of London before moving to Durham for her Doctoral research, where she studied high energy cosmic gamma rays from pulsars.
Paula describes the cosmological research, stretching all the way back to George Rochester's time in the 1950s, that inspired her.
Paula talks about her other research and collaborations and the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic during 2020 and how that affected the department.
Paula talks technological advances that have made a difference to her research and the changes that have occured in the department over the years.
Paula explains what research she is working on now and what she is looking forward to next, chiefly getting a new observatory built.