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Mark Swinbank is an observation astronomer, using some of the world's biggest telescopes to research the galaxies above. In this video he describes how his field of research has changed over time.
Mark first became interested in Astronomy as a teenager in the early 1990s, seeing the images from the Voyager space missions on TV. He came to study at Durham, staying for his PhD and eventually joining the academic staff in 2015.
Mark talks about what he is working on at the moment, looking at how galaxies form and evolve, and the instrumentation projects of the future.
Mark talks about his worldwide collaborations, what paved the way for his current research, and the most exciting things he's worked on.
Mark Swinbank, in his favourite location by the telescopes on the roof of the Rochester building, describes the many changes in teaching since he started here, such as the investment in new buildings and how courses are structured.