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Inside the sex lives of chimpanzees: it’s about much more than just reproduction

Dr Jake Brooker and Professor Zanna Clay of our Department of Psychology share their new research on the social role sex plays in bonobo and chimpanzee groups.
Four chimpanzees walk in a line in the forest

Pioneering research to support digital innovation in pharmaceuticals

We along with Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) have secured funding as part of an Innovate UK grant to advance sustainable pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Digital tools help scientists to predict crystallisation outcomes

Climate change is hampering River Thames clean-up efforts

Global warming is making it harder to clean up the iconic River Thames in the UK, according to a new study involving scientists from Durham University.
Small boats going along the River Thames in the UK.

Researchers help protect migratory birds

Researchers from our top-rated Biosciences department in collaboration with the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), have conducted a study to understand the challenges faced by migratory birds across Europe and Africa.
Turtle dove on a tree

Helping stroke survivors with visual perception problems

A new 15-minute tool to screen stroke survivors for visual perception problems has been launched by researchers from Durham and Oxford universities.
Two people sitting at a table pointing at a page in the stroke screening booklet.

Digital revolution in humanities research

Our top-rated Computer Science department is leading the charge in bringing high-performance computing (HPC) to the humanities through a new UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) funded project.
The image portrays a collection of stone, fractured and cracked, reaching out from a chaotic tangle of wires.

Women in chemistry: Q&A with Professor Aurora J. Cruz-Cabeza

Dr Aurora J. Cruz-Cabeza is a Professor of Materials Chemistry in our department of Chemistry, in the field of molecular crystals and crystallisation.
Prof Aurora Cruz of Chemistry department

Durham researchers help discover largest radio jet ever seen in early Universe

A team of astronomers, including researchers from our top-rated Physics department, have discovered the largest radio jet ever seen in the early Universe.
Artist’s illustration showing the largest radio jet ever found in the early Universe

Leading astronomer helps uncover unique giant radio galaxy

South Africa’s MeerKAT telescope has revealed a remarkable cosmic discovery—Inkathazo, a newly identified giant radio galaxy (GRG), whose name means trouble in isiZulu and isiXhosa.
MeerKAT telescope

Bioscientists achieve major advancement in protein-metal binding research

Researchers from our top-rated Biosciences department have made an exciting discovery that could revolutionise how scientists design and engineer biological systems.
Protein-metal binding

Scientists achieve world-leading quantum entanglement of molecules

Scientists from our top-rated Physics department have set a global milestone by achieving quantum entanglement of individual molecules using cutting-edge magic-wavelength optical tweezers.
Team picture of scientists carrying out this research

Breakthrough technique to stop irregular heartbeats

Researchers from our top-rated Computer Science department have made an exciting discovery that could improve how doctors treat dangerous heart rhythms, like those seen in cardiac arrest.