In addition to the formal supervision process, our research students have opportunities for intellectual stimulation and development through the SGIA’s and University Graduate School’s training programmes. These offer insights into research methods, qualitative and quantitative databases, and time management. The courses also help students manage their research projects, plan their future careers and provide an excellent opportunity to meet students from across the many subject disciplines studied at Durham. PhD students have access to most of the modules on SGIA’s Masters programmes and they are encourage to audit methods training modules in particular. The PhD associations runs a weekly Wednesday research seminar and all research centres offer a seminars with high profile invited speakers. All research students have access to a range of research training provisions offered by the Durham Centre for Academic Development (DCAD), the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), the Durham University Centre for Foreign Language Study, the Nine DTC Doctoral Training Partnership, the Northern Bridge AHRC Doctoral Training Partnership, the Durham University Global Challenges Centre for Doctoral Training.
A vibrant PhD community
SGIA has one of the best organised and pro-active PhD association with a dynamic and ambition leadership committee and a significant input in the training programme and social life of the students. The association organises a weekly research seminar which hosts presentations by SGIA academics as well as by PhD students at the more advanced stages of their projects, organises peer review sessions, career talks, personal development workshops and writing sessions, among others. The PhD association has an independent budget and organises many academic events, like writing retreats, as well as a big social event every term.
Purpose-built facilities and financial support
Our research students have access to a personal workspace in the school, a postgraduate only IT space; conference room for PhD students only, equipped with the latest IT communication facilities; photocopying and printing facilities; and financial support for conferences, research training and fieldwork.
Supportive and inclusive environment
SGIA PhD students are supported in all aspects of their professional development. They are given opportunities to teach undergraduate students and offered teaching training. Together with other early career researchers, SGIA PhD students are involved in editing the Global Policy Journal and guided towards successful first publications. They are encouraged to attend and present at international academic conferences and are involved in all research and social activities of SGIA.