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Events from the 01 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 Reset

Paternalism, Children’s Health and Parental Rights Workshop

The Paternalism, Health, and Public Policy project (funded by the Wellcome Trust) is pleased to announce its fourth workshop: ‘Paternalism, Children’s Health and Parental Rights', co-hosted with the Centre for Ethics and Law in the Life Sciences (CELLS), Durham University. Further details of the project can be found at

12 September 2022 - 13 September 2022

Durham University

  • Research event
  • School of Government and International Affairs
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The Protests in Iran: Rethinking Change in the Islamic Republic Event

While The Islamic Republic has been rocked by protests before, notably in 2009, these protests appear different, led and inspired by women across the country and with demonstrations taking place not just in the main urban areas, but in rural areas too, often seen as bastions of support for the regime. Are we seeing a profound social and political shift in attitude towards the Islamic Republic and its legitimacy? How are the protests being reported on social media across Iran and the region? And

08 November 2022

5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Room TLC033, Teaching & Learning Centre, South Road, Durham University

  • Talks, training, seminars & conferences
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