In Parenthesis Reading Group (term time only)
In Parenthesis Reading Group (term time only)
In Parenthesis Reading Group
The in Parenthesis reading group is running again this term on Wednesdays at 6:45-8pm. We’re all stuck inside, and a reading group is a great way to get some quality discussion in without the anxiety and academic pressure of a seminar. It’s quite informal, and we welcome people of all levels, across all disciplines. One of the purposes of this reading group is to create a more collaborative rather than combative approach to philosophy, less argumentative and more exploratory. Each week we explore a paper by a member of the wartime quartet - you might know Phillipa Foot already - she created the trolley problem! The group is primarily aimed at women / non-binary people, but we still happily host men.
Each week a collection of prompt questions gets sent out, and we tackle them together in the group. If you feel confused by a reading, this is certainly a reason to come! We’re here to figure out the papers together and apply them to our lives. There is a one-week break for a ‘women’s tea’ where we can talk about experiences of being women in Philosophy, get to know each other better, and maybe pull together that philosophy zine that got floated last term.
If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please email me at, or join the Facebook group: Durham In Parenthesis Reading Group to get weekly updates.
To find out more about the In Parenthesis project, visit: