A warm welcome to you from the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University!
At Durham, we prepare our students with so much more than simply a technical proficiency in mathematics. Instead, our students are regularly exposed to the elegance of mathematics as an intellectual discipline and to its enormous power as a tool for solving scientific problems. We offer a balanced honours degree programme which allows a choice from a wide spectrum of pure mathematics, applied mathematics (including mathematical physics) and statistics. This gives you the opportunity to specialise in a branch of mathematics or continue to study a broad range throughout your degree. We look forward to welcoming you to the visit day, and to Durham as a place to live and study, soon. The programme of events [see box below] in the Department will give you an opportunity to learn more about our programmes, to meet with staff and students, to give you a flavour of the place, and to inspire you mathematically. We hope you have a fascinating and enjoyable visit!
Mathematical Sciences is a thriving, friendly department of around 100 permanent staff with an annual intake of about 300 Single Honours undergraduates plus many Joint Honours students.
Our Department is situated on the Upper Mountjoy Site to the south of the City centre, within easy reach of all Durham Colleges and is close to the University Library.
Coordinates: 54.7637,-1.5720
We have prepared a series of events in the Department during the day which we hope you find entertaining and informative. All events are in the Mathematics and Computer Science Building (Google Map).
A short video of introduction from the Admissions Tutor can be found here.
(Scott Logic Lecture Theatre)
Introductory Talk
(Professor Steve Abel).
MCS Level 2
(t.b.a. on the day)
Meet Staff and Students
View Project Posters
Entertainment Talk