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Visual and Material Cultures

This research theme aims to bring together staff and postgraduate students who are engaged in the analysis and interpretation of visual and material culture from many periods and societies. It seeks to share relevant tools and approaches for interpreting a wide range of sources – from illuminated manuscripts to digital media – and to reflect upon the different forms of attention and apprehension (visual, conceptual, tactile and experiential) required by different genres of evidence.

Our aim is to disarm some of the anxieties that some historians still feel on moving beyond the familiar study of texts through demystifying what constitutes good practice and pertinent questions. To draw on and share methods developed in a range of disciplines concerned with visual and material culture, including art history, classics, archaeology, anthropology, critical theory and psychology. And to deepen appreciation of some of the extremely rich collections of visual and material culture found both within Durham University and also within museums and institutions in the region.

The research theme provides an opportunity for periodic meetings of colleagues interested in visual and material culture. It also keeps members informed about related seminars organised through centres and institutes within the university: above all the rich programme run through the Centre for Visual Arts and Culture.
