Taught Courses
Our MA courses are intended to challenge students of the highest calibre, while providing specific and direct training in disciplinary practices, theories, approaches and methodologies. Our taught programmes are conducted with an emphasis on disciplinary training and inter-disciplinary engagement, offering opportunities for supported independent study.
Our exceptional Master's degrees are also designed to offer choice, flexibility and the opportunity to specialise. Throughout each degree you will enhance your historical, professional and transferable skills, preparing you for many kinds of public and private sector careers.
The MA in History at Durham University takes you on a global journey all within the confines of one department. Academic staff employ their wide range of expertise to enrich and edify the teaching and learning experience, leading students on the path to becoming independent, critical thinkers for the worlds of yesterday and tomorrow.
Previous students have gone on to work in a variety of fields, including: museums, archives and historical organisations, publishing, editing, education, banking, finance and the civil service.
As our department offers a diverse mix of research expertise you will be encouraged to be intellectually ambitious, inducted into the community of historians and grow to better understand the relationship between your own specialist field and the wider discipline.
Deepening your understanding of a subject you are passionate about, you will become confident in your own disciplinary identity and mastery of the subject to be able to engage with those in other fields.
Our Taught Postgraduate Programmes
Use the links below to learn more about our programmes:
MA in History
MA in Social and Economic History (Research Methods)
MA in Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Discover Durham Virtually: Join our online PG Open Day
During March, we will be hosting sessions to share everything you need to know about postgraduate life at Durham University. Find out why you should choose Durham as your next study destination, how to apply and hear about our collegiate system. Where will a PG qualification take you?