This research proposal investigates the pedagogical approaches taken by youth workers in how they share and communicate the gospel in their various contexts. This research will consider Christian youth workers in the dynamic social and cultural landscapes of Generation Z and the emerging Generation Alpha. Drawing upon the collective knowledge and hands-on experiences of Christian youth workers within the St Mellitus Alumni network, partner Dioceses and beyond, the study seeks to delve into the multifaceted aspects of how the Gospel is embraced as 'good news' within these specific cohorts. This has the potential to inform theological education in how we equip and train youth workers in best practice in their approach to communicating the message of the gospel. Given the significant strategic target with the CofE 30k project to recruit 3000 new employed youth and children’s workers within the Church by 2030, the question of how such workers are equipped for the central missional task facing the Church in rela-tion to largely post-Christian young generations is important. Learning from the current praxis of those involved in the task on the ground already has the potential to bring significant understanding to those seeking to lead the training of new workers.
This research contributes to the broader understanding of the contemporary relevance of the Gospel within youth culture, shedding light on the strategies employed by Christian youth workers to communicate this timeless message effectively. The findings of this study have the potential to inform and enhance the approaches used in youth ministry, providing valuable in-sights for practitioners, educators, and Christian leaders seeking to engage with the ever-evolving social and cultural contexts of the younger generations.
In exploring the intersection of Christian youth work, the Gospel, and the evolving dynamics of Gen Z and emerging Gen A, this research aspires to contribute to the ongoing discourse on ef-fective communication and engagement with young people in matters of communicating the Christian faith. The study's outcomes are anticipated to offer a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in conveying the Gospel message within contemporary youth culture, ultimately facilitating more informed and impactful youth ministry practices.