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Contact Details

Common Awards Team Contacts

The administrative and academic staff of the Common Awards team can advise on the details of Common Awards policy and practice.

Academic Staff

Professor Mike Higton

Professor in Theology and Ministry

Chair of Theology and Ministry (Common Awards)

Department of Theology and Religion


Dr Emily Kempson

(On Maternity Leave)

Lecturer in Theology and Ministry

Department of Theology and Religion


Dr Gary Wilton

Maternity Cover

Teaching Fellow

Dr Anu Ranawana

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Theological Education

Department of Theology and Religion


Dr Nina Kurlberg

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Theological Education 

Department of Theology and Religion


Dr Olabisi Obamakin

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Theological Education 

Department of Theology and Religion







Administrative Staff


Mrs Emma Harrington

Senior Quality Manager (0.5) / Assistant Quality Manager (0.5)  (Common Awards)

Academic Quality Service

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 33 43139 via Keli Smith


Ms Rhianne Jones

Senior Quality Manager (0.5) / Assistant Quality Manager (0.5)  (Common Awards)

Academic Quality Service

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 33 43180 via Deborah Thompson


Mrs Rebecca Stephenson

Assistant Quality Manager (Common Awards)

Academic Quality Service


Ms Deborah Thompson

Common Awards Administrator

Academic Quality Service

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 33 43180


Miss Keli Smith

Common Awards Administrator

Academic Quality Service

Telephone: +44 (0) 191 33 43139



TEI Contacts 

Each Theological Education Institution (TEI) has a single point of contact for all administrative, academic, and financial matters. If you are a student or a member of staff in a TEI, you may wish to direct your query to your ‘key contact’ in the first instance. 


Principal Contact 

Cambridge Theological Federation 

Charlotte Bentley

Cranmer Hall 

Paul Regan 

Eastern Region Ministry Course (ERMC) 

Rachel Simons 

Emmanuel Theological College

Gemma Culverwell

Lindisfarne College of Theology

Jenny Burton 

Luther King Centre (LKC) 

Clare Richardson 

The Queen's Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education 

Katie Cooper

Ripon College, Cuddesdon Oliver Keenan

Sarum College

Paul Burden

Scottish Episcopal Institute (SEI) 

Rev Dr Anna-Claar Thomasson-Rosingh

St Augustine's College of Theology 

Academic Registrar

South Central TEI (SCTEI) 

Academic Registrar

South West Ministry Training Course (SWMTC) 

Hannah Cross

St Mellitus College 

Lizzy Lewis

St Padarn's Institute

Gareth Longden

St Stephen's House 

Senior Tutor

Trinity College with Bristol Baptist College 

Barbara Bews 

Yorkshire Theological Education Partnership (YTEP) 

Lynne Gordon-Taylor 

Ministry Development Team Contacts 

The main body in the Church of England directly involved in maintaining the partnership is the Ministry Development Team (MDT). The members of this team with particular roles in relation to Common Awards are:

Keith Beech-Gruneberg Head of Formation 
Ken Farrimond  Virtual Learning Environment and Blended Learning Officer 
David Hanson 
Quality Assurance Adviser 


University Liaison Officers (ULOs) 

Each Theological Education Institution has a member of the Department of Theology and Religion from Durham University allocated to it as a University Liaison Officer (ULO). 

Our current ULOs are: 

Professor Mike Higton


Professor of Theology and Ministry


Dr Emily Kempson Lecturer in Theology and Ministry Email:  
Dr Jane Heath Associate Professor 


Rev'd Dr Sam Hole College Chaplain and Solway Fellow


Dr Anu Ranawana

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Theological Education

 in Theological Education

Department of Theology and Religion


TEI Forum

The TEI Forum provides an opportunity for all TEIs offering Common Awards programmes to meet to discuss common issues and share good practice.  

The current Chair is:  

  • Lucy Dallas, Director of Pastoral Studies and Contextual Education, ERMC (elected April 2022-April 2025)