All are very welcome to join the Durham Classics and Ancient History seminars this term. All seminars take place at 1-2pm on Wednesdays in CL007 (Ritson Room) unless stated otherwise. If you would like to attend any of the seminars remotely or have any questions, please contact Liam Preston ( for details.
Durham Classics and Ancient History Research Seminars: Epiphany Term Card
January 15th Dr Graham Barrett, “The Emperor in the Roman City: Honorius and Pamplona in History and Memory”. Hybrid.
January 22nd Dr Maria Monteleone, “Water for laundries and private residences in Roman Pompeii: recent results from hydro-archaeology and reverse engineering”. Online Only.
January 29th (5pm, CL007 Riston Room) Dr Roberta Mazza, “Book Discussion: Stolen Fragments: Black Markets, Bad Faith and the Illicit Trade in Ancient Artefacts”. Hybrid.
This talk is followed by a drinks reception in the Classics and Ancient History department.
February 12th Prof Jennifer Ingleheart, “Terence Hearsay in Shropshire: classical allusivity in A. E. Housman's A Shropshire Lad”. Online Only.
February 19th Dr Jacob Lollar, “Between Myth and History: Apocrypha, Hagiography and Historiography in Syriac Manuscripts”. Hybrid.
February 26th Dr Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi, “Elpis in Plato’s Laws”. Hybrid.
March 5th Dr Nathan Gilbert, “Past, Present, Text, Other: Jesuit Readings of Chinese and Greco-Roman Philosophy”. Hybrid.
March 19th Dr Shanshan Bai, “Demos in Roman Spartan inscriptions: democratic factors in an oligarchical society”. Hybrid.