For a full listing of departmental academic events, please see our Events Calendar.
All are very welcome to join the Durham Classics and Ancient History seminars this term. All seminars take place at 1-2pm on Wednesdays in CL007 (Ritson Room) unless stated otherwise. If you would like to attend any of the seminars remotely or have any questions, please contact Liam Preston ( for details.
Durham Classics and Ancient History Research Seminars: Epiphany Term Card
January 15th Dr Graham Barrett, “The Emperor in the Roman City: Honorius and Pamplona in History and Memory”. Hybrid.
January 22nd Dr Maria Monteleone, “Water for laundries and private residences in Roman Pompeii: recent results from hydro-archaeology and reverse engineering”. Online Only.
January 29th (5pm, CL007 Riston Room) Dr Roberta Mazza, “Book Discussion: Stolen Fragments: Black Markets, Bad Faith and the Illicit Trade in Ancient Artefacts”. Hybrid.
This talk is followed by a drinks reception in the Classics and Ancient History department.
February 12th Prof Jennifer Ingleheart, “Terence Hearsay in Shropshire: classical allusivity in A. E. Housman's A Shropshire Lad”. Online Only.
February 19th Dr Jacob Lollar, “Between Myth and History: Apocrypha, Hagiography and Historiography in Syriac Manuscripts”. Hybrid.
February 26th Dr Elena Cagnoli Fiecconi, “Elpis in Plato’s Laws”. Hybrid.
March 5th Dr Nathan Gilbert, “Past, Present, Text, Other: Jesuit Readings of Chinese and Greco-Roman Philosophy”. Hybrid.
March 19th Dr Shanshan Bai, “Demos in Roman Spartan inscriptions: democratic factors in an oligarchical society”. Hybrid.