How does our commercial service work?
To start with, we will talk through the problem with you (either by email, telephone or through a visit) and agree on the best way forward. It may be that a feasibility study is the best place to start. This gives you an idea of what we can achieve with solid state NMR and it gives us the chance to have an initial assessment of the materials involved (the time it takes to do a solid state NMR measurement is highly sample dependent). Please do not send samples without getting in touch first.
Sample submission
Unless the proposed work is covered by a contract, we will send you a sample submission form, our Terms and Conditions and a quotation for the work. If you are unable to accept out Terms and Conditions we will need to agree a contract (which would include a non-disclosure clause). The latter would be carried out through our contract and legal support offices and may take several days to arrange. When you are ready send us the samples.
The samples
For most measurements we would like 100 mg of material. For some measurements we might ask for up to 250 mg. If you cannot provide 100 mg please discuss the options with us.
We prefer dry, air-stable powders. The particle size is not critical - anything under about 0.2 mm is usually fine enough. We can also look at films and fibres (we will cut them up so that they fit in a rotor). Large blocks of sample will need to be broken up (discuss this with us).
Please talk to us before sending samples that are: air-sensitive, water or solvent containing, soft, paramagnetic (including paramagnetic impurities), conducting or that would present a serious health risk if released.
Acceptance of samples
The Service reserves the right to decline to measure samples: (i) on health and safety grounds, (ii) that may cause damage to instrumentation, (iii) if there is insufficient instrument capacity.
We usually send out the results of the measurements we undertake as a pdf document attached to an email message. We can also use secure online storage sites and include data in a variety of formats.
We can do most measurements within 10 working days of receipt of the samples although often we turn samples round faster than this and with prior warning can do "same day" analyses.
Terms and Conditions, Privacy Notice
Analytical Services Standard Terms and Conditions
Privacy Notice Chemistry Analytical Services
Solid-state NMR Service: Sample submission form
Get in touch
Contact our team by email below to find out more about our work
Solid-State NMR Group
c/o Prof. Paul Hodgkinson
Department of Chemistry
Durham University
Stockton Road
Durham DH1 3LE UK
Solid-State NMR Group:
+44 (0)191 334 2019
Solid-State NMR Service:
+44 (0)191 334 3925
Fax: +44 (0)191 384 4737
(Chemistry Department)