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EPSRC Prosperity Partnerships Award for Chemistry's Professor Wilson and the ANTENNA project team.

The £1.9 million funding boost for the ANTENNA partnership investigating sustainable cleaning products was awarded to Chemistry's Professor Mark Wilson, Professor Colin Bain, Professor Andy Beeby, Dr Clare Mahon and Dr Richard Thompson in collaboration with Durham's Centre for Soft Matter, colleagues from Imperial College London and Procter & Gamble (P&G).

Chemistry's Aisha Bismillah wins 2021 Merck Research Award for Underrepresented Chemists of Color

Congratulations to Aisha Bismillah (McGonigal Group) on winning the 2021 Merck Research Award for Underrepresented Chemists of Color! This award is for underrepresented groups in chemistry including third year chemistry graduate students (minimum) or postdocs.

Solid State Materials Chemistry Book By Professor John Evans

Professor John Evans co-authors an authoritative text book on Solid State Materials Chemistry; an example of our excellence in research leading to broad impact and research-led teaching by one of the world experts in materials chemistry and X-ray powder diffraction.

EPSRC Programme Grant Award

Congratulations to Dr Basile Curchod who is Co-Investigator on a recent successful EPSRC Programme Grant worth £7.9 million.

Chemistry RSC Prizes 2021

Congratulations to Professors Steed and Verlet who have both won prestigious RSC Prizes. Both are major or flagship awards from the RSC, well done to both Jan and Jon for their achievements. Please check out the links for a Q+A with both Jon and Jan. For example, did you know Jon’s favourite element is ruthenium and that Jan’s is hydrogen!

Lipid Membranes Affected by Small Molecules

A novel investigation by the research group of Dr John Sanderson describing the effects of small organic molecules on lipid membranes revealed that reactivity with lipids depends on the structure - not on the lipophilicity - of the small molecule.
Research laboratory at Durham University Chemistry department

Smart Biofilm

Durham Scientists have harnessed bio-techniques to create a new generation of smart electroceutical substrates that can be combined with bandages and surfaces to detect bacteria activity, destroy bacterial biofilms reducing the use of antibiotics, by improving their efficacy.

Hidden Chiral Fingerprinting

Lewis MacKenzie and Rob Pal have published a review article in Nature Reviews Chemistry, setting out how brightly emitting chiral lanthanide complexes can be used to encode a hidden chiral fingerprint into advanced security inks.
World’s Frst Rapid Circular Polarisation Luminescence Spectrometer