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Fragment Analysis Software Links


Applied Biosystems offer both licensed software and freeware which can be used to view and edit your fragment analysis data.

GeneMapper® Software

GeneMapper® Software is a flexible genotyping software package that provides DNA sizing and quality allele calls for all Applied Biosystems electrophoresis-based genotyping systems. This software specializes in multiapplication functionality, including amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP®), loss of heterozygosity (LOH), microsatellite, and SNP genotyping analysis. GeneMapper® Software can help users increase data processing efficiency with remote auto-analysis and command line operation, and allows for multiuser, client-server deployment. The software uses Process Quality Values (PQVs) for automated identification that reduces data review time for high throughput genotyping. In addition, the security and audit features help users meet 21 CFR 11 requirements.

Peak Scanner™ v1.0

Use this free software to perform DNA fragment analysis; separate a mixture of DNA fragments according to their sizes, provide a profile of the separation, and precisely calculate the sizes of the fragments. The software allows you to view, edit, analyze, print, and export fragment analysis data generated using the Applied Biosystems Genetic Analyzers.