Full Research Project List
A biography of power: Bagendon ‘oppidum’ and the Late Iron Age-Roman transition
A multi-isotope base map for Jordan: A tool for re-examining movement and community in the past
Adolescence, Migration and Health in Medieval England: the osteological evidence
Aesthetics and Ethics of Archaeology Research Network
Amara West: Health and diet in ancient Nubia through climate and political change
Ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis of people with tuberculosis (TB) in Britain and Europe
Ancient Identities: Iron Age and Roman Heritages
Anuradhapura (Sri Lanka) Project: The Hinterland (Phase II)
Archaeoacoustics and ‘Songs of the Caves’
Bamburgh Bowl-Hole Anglian Cemetery: a contextual study
Benchmarking the social and economic impacts of the tangible and intangible heritage of Middle Egypt
Bibracte: urbanism in Late Iron Age Gaul
China and Indian Ocean Trade (5th to 20th centuries): Archaeological Approaches
CHISEL: Church Building as Industry in Early Medieval Western Europe
Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture
‘Curious Works’: multi-disciplinary explorations of 17th century English female domestic embroidery
Computational Research on the Ancient Near East (CRANE)
Dibsi Faraj and the Middle Euphrates Frontier: A Rediscovered Archive
Dining and Death: Imagery, Ambiguity and Interpretation
Early complex societies in the Levant
Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa (EAMENA)
Evolving Health: Palaeopathology and Evolutionary Medicine
Exploring the Medieval Hinterland of Polonnaruva, Sri Lanka
Food and Society: Reconstructing Lifestyle, Diet and Mobility during the Metal Ages in Italy
From Foraging to Farming in Northwest Europe
Funerary Landscapes and Social Change in Early Medieval Northwest Europe
Heritage from Below. Drežnica: Traces and Memories 1941-1945
Human Mobility and Subsistence Strategies in Prehistoric Italy
Handaxes & Fluvial Deposits: Archives of Hominin Societal Norms
Images, Identities and Impact of Empire in Early Achaemenid Anatolia
Inside the mind of ancient People: MAP
Landscape Archaeology in the Middle East
Learning from Multicultural Amman: Engaging Jordan's Youth
Let the Dead Teach the Living: Skeleton Science
Lindisfarne: The search for the heart of Anglo-Saxon Northumbria
Mapping the early church in Western Normandy: AD400-1200
Material Memories: Cloth, Clothing and Conservation
Medieval Archaeology in Britain
Medieval and post-medieval earthquakes in Europe
Medieval Window Glass: Archaeological Approaches
Monumentality and Landscape: Linear Earthworks in Britain
Neolithic Monumentality in Western Iberia
Nevern Castle: The Development of, and Life in, Welsh Castles
New approaches to visual imagery and monumentality in late prehistoric Europe
Nile Delta Survey Project, Egypt
North-East Heritage Partnership
Paleo Vision: Do you see the world through Ice Age eyes?
Partnership in Action: Training and Managing the Heritage of Libya and Tunisia
People and Place: The Making of the Kingdom of Northumbria AD 300-800
Persia and its Neighbours: the Archaeology of Late Antique Imperial Power in Iran (Persia Project)
Post-Earthquake Rescue Archaeology in Kathmandu
Promoting the Protection of Heritage Sites in Nepal
REFIT: Resituating Europe’s first towns
Religious orders on the frontier: monks on the edge of Christian Europe in Spain
Rewriting World Archaeology: South Asia
Rewriting World Archaeology: Africa (page update in progress)
Seafaring early farmers in the West Mediterranean
Seismic Safety and Kathmandu’s Historic Urban Infrastructure
Socio-Economic Transformations in the Tehran Plain
The backbone of Europe: Health, diet, work and violence over two millennia
The Bioarchaeology of Cardiovascular Disease
The Durham River Wear Assemblage Project
The emergence of Visual Culture: dating and psychology of Palaeolithic art
The Fewston Churchyard Assemblage
The history of syphilis: developing more nuanced approaches to understanding its impact on the past
The ‘Invisible Dead’ and the Development of Early Human Beliefs about the Body
The Natal Landscape of the Buddha, Phase I: Lumbini
The Natal Landscape of the Buddha, Phase II: Tilaurakot
The Tiber Valley Project: The changing landscapes of Rome’s northern hinterland
Tragom Zaborava (Tracing Oblivion)
Training in Action: Heritage Preservation in Post-conflict North Africa
Uncovering Kathmandu's Early Urbanism
Understanding Pilgrimage & Heritage in India
Unpicking Archbishop John Morton’s ‘cope’ (c.1480-1500)
Upland Land Use Heritage and a Sustainable Future
What’s in a house? Exploring the kinship structure of the world’s first houses
Worked in Stone: Completing the Corpus of Anglo-Saxon Stone Sculpture
Yeavering: A Palace in its Landscape
Zoonotic Disease and Human-Animal Interactions as Proxies for Ancient Lives