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Research Centres and Institutes

Durham University produces world leading and world changing research. The Anthropology Department is involved in a diverse range of research, both independently and through our multidisciplinary research centres and institutes. 

Behaviour, Ecology and Evolution Research (BEER) Centre

Integrating diverse methodological expertise and disciplinary perspectives to enhance research and collaboration in behaviour, ecology and evolution.
BEER Logo 500px x 450px

Centre for Anthropology of Health

Social anthropology is the study of social and cultural life in the various forms this takes in relation to the many contexts where this is found.
People putting on face masks

Centre for Social Justice and Community Action

Academic researchers from a range of departments and disciplines, and people from community, voluntary and other organisations.
a noticeboard showing photos, notes and maps

Centre for the Study of Jewish Culture, Society and Politics

The group conducts both empirical and theoretical research involving different aspects of the lives of Jewish communities around the world.
a street sign on a brick wall

Durham Cultural Evolution Reseach Centre (DCERC)

DCERC serves as the focal point for cultural evolution and gene-culture coevolution research at Durham University with a diverse membership.
Person dressed in decorative mask and costume

Durham Energy Institute

Supporting and producing cutting-edge energy research which draws on the expertise of world-leading researchers across Durham University.
A dam in a valley

Durham Infancy and Sleep Centre

DISC is the home for a group of researchers examining various aspects of infant and child sleep and parenting behaviour.
Woman and baby

Durham Research Methods Centre

Harnessing research methods expertise across the University to shape world-class training and research.
two people using computers

Institute for Medical Humanities

Improving health by understanding the human experience.
Institute of Medical Humanities logo

Institute of Advanced Study

World-leading researchers work with Durham colleagues on projects of major intellectual, scientific, political and practical significance.
External shot of the front door leading into the institute of advanced study

Wolfson Research Institute for Health and Wellbeing

Conducting and facilitating interdisciplinary research on health and wellbeing across all four University Faculties.
Wolfson Institute Building exterior showing name



A woman looking at data on computer screens

Research, Impact and Engagement

We are one of the largest departments of Anthropology in the UK, spanning social anthropology, evolutionary anthropology and the anthropology of health.

Research, Impact and Engagement Research Groups
Student studying in the library

Research Degrees

A vibrant postgraduate research community gives you one of the most diverse and exciting research environments in the UK. Together we carry out research on every inhabited continent including everything from primate behaviour to rhetoric culture and indigenous knowledge to internet technologies.

Explore our Research Degree options

Get in touch

Contact us to find out more about undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities in our Department.

Department of Anthropology

Durham University
Dawson Building
South Road
Durham, DH1 3LE


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