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MA Socio-Cultural Anthropology (L6K107)

The MA in Socio-Cultural Anthropology course is designed for students with an undergraduate degree in a subject other than anthropology who would like to prepare for research in socio-cultural anthropology or for a career requiring expertise in anthropology.

Social anthropologist researchers, with experience of conducting fieldwork all around the world, introduce you to both classical and contemporary writing and research in the discipline. There is equal emphasis on theoretical and methodological questions, and plenty of opportunities to apply this new knowledge to important issues of social concern.

If you have any questions about this course, contact the course leader Prof Yulia Egorova

"This course gave me confidence and knowledge of different cultures. Learning about social systems & structures enabled me to consider problems faced by immigrants and Indigenous peoples around the world. My research also allowed me to fulfil a lifelong dream to work with the First People's of Australia - the Aboriginal community in the Northern Territory"

Nicky Graves
MA Socio-Cultural Anthropology
"The MA in Socio-Cultural Anthropology was challenging in the best way possible. The staff in the department are incredibly supportive and provide tailored direction and advice in a wide range of research fields. Studying Anthropology at Durham is a unique opportunity to work with cutting-edge researchers, in a friendly and enjoyable environment. The students and staff in the Anthropology department made this MA an enriching and rewarding experience"

Susanna Baker
MA Socio-Cultural Anthropology