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Find out more about our Norman Chapel Conservation project

Find out more about our Norman Chapel Conservation project
Read more about this important heritage project
Surveying the stonework of the pillars in the Norman Chapel

The Chapels 

The College is fortunate to possess two historic chapels as reminders of the College’s Christian heritage. The Norman Chapel dates from the 11th Century; the Tunstall Chapel, established in the 1540s, was used by the Prince Bishops of Durham as their private chapel. Both chapels are regularly used for worship within the College. Our chaplain, the Rev'd Dr Sam Hole, has responsibility for the services held in them as well as chapel life more broadly. 

All members of the College and University, and of the wider public, are most welcome at all chapel services. We seek to be a welcoming and inclusive space, recognising and honouring our diversity of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and social, economic, or faith background. By reflecting the love and beauty of God, we hope to support all people in their journey of faith

For the most up to date news, follow the chapels on: 


Download the Chapel Termcard - Epiphany Term 2025 for full details of this term's services and events.  

The regular term time schedule in Chapel is:

Thursday: Choral Evensong, 5.45pm
Sunday: Choral or Said Eucharist, 5pm

Tuesday (when advertised): Sung Compline or Taizé, 8pm

Thursday’s service of Choral Evensong is the main service of the week, at which numerous visitors are always present and welcome. It is drawn from the Church of England’s 1662 Book of Common Prayer. The Chapel Choir sings many of the parts of the service, and the sermon is often delivered by special guest preachers. It lasts an hour, and is always finished in time for Formal Hall.

The Eucharist (literally, ‘to give thanks’) is also known as Holy Communion or Mass, and lasts 40-60 minutes. In the course of the service, we hear readings from scripture, pray, and bread and wine is blessed and shared in remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection and as a sign that we are together the body of Christ. All are welcome; if you are used to receiving communion in your own tradition, you are welcome to receive it at Castle. If you are interested in being baptised and/or confirmed (the Church of England’s rites to begin receiving communion), please speak to the Chaplain.

A brief service (c.20 minutes) at ‘the end of the day’ (to ‘complete’ the day), as sung each night in monasteries around the world. The service includes a few sung parts (Nunc Dimittis and an anthem), a brief scripture passage, and said prayers.

A brief service (c.20 minutes) from the ecumenical monastic community in Taizé (Burgundy, France). It is punctuated by songs sung by the whole congregation. The songs only have one or two verses repeated several times to invite quiet reflection. These songs, regular silence, informal prayers, a brief scripture passage (in various languages) are characteristic of this service.

The Chapels and The Chapel Team

If you wish to use either chapel for an event (e.g. rehearsals, music practice, concerts) this needs to be agreed with and booked via the chaplain.

Much of the life of the chapel exists through the commitment of a dedicated team of students and SCR members. If you would like to support this life (e.g. to read, set up, suggest ideas, curate special services), please talk to members of the Chapel Team after a service.

The Chaplain

The Chaplain is here to serve all members of the community, students and staff alike, of all faiths and none. Sam is also part of the Student Support Team in College and can provide support in that regard to all students of the College.

He is also part of the Durham Chaplaincy Network and is happy to introduce you to a Chaplain of another faith or belief if you wish to. Please reach out for any question you may have about faith, religion, or just if you wish to talk to somebody who can listen. 

The Choir 

The Choir of University College, Durham (informally called Castle Chapel Choir) is an auditioned ensemble of sixteen choral scholars and is regarded to be one of the finest choirs in the North East. Led by a student team comprised of the Director of Music, Senior and Junior Organ Scholars and Choir Manager, singers are a mix of undergraduate and postgraduate members of the University and represent diverse backgrounds and areas of study. The Choir has a busy schedule, leading weekly services of Evensong, as well as singing regularly for services of the Eucharist and Compline.  

The choir regularly sing at Durham Cathedral. In July 2020, the Choir released their second CD in three years, ‘In Memoriam’ (featuring Durufle’s Requiem and Parry’s ‘Songs of Farewell’) on the Priory Records label; tracks from the CD were later broadcast on BBC Radio 3. In summer 2024 the choir sang at St George’s, Windsor, Westminster Abbey, and St Paul’s Cathedral. Their summer tour to Rome included singing for Mass at St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City – an event which was covered by BBC local internet and radio.

Choir Instagram

Choir Youtube

Joining the Choir 

Auditions take place in Induction Week each year and consist of range and oral tests, two contrasting sight-reading extracts (one polyphonic, one modern) and a short interview with the Chaplain, Director of Music, Organ Scholars, and other members of the Chapel Community. Good sight-reading ability is essential. Previous experience is useful but not essential. Look on the choir Instagram for audition details.