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St Mary's College 125th Anniversary

Join us over the next year in celebrating the enduring spirit of St Mary's College.

We welcome you to join us in celebrating St Mary's College's 125th Anniversary! This will be a celebration of our rich history and the remarkable journey of St Mary's College. Our story began in 1895 when the University Senate granted degrees to women. On April 22nd, 1899, the Women's Hostel at 33 Claypath first advertised for female applicants who would go on to study at the University, laying the foundation for what would become St Mary's College. The Woman’s Hostel gained “college” status in 1919 and was renamed St Marys in 1920. Work began to build a new college on the hill in 1947 and opened in 1951. The Fergusson Building became the heart of St Mary's. Over the years, there have been building works and developments, St Mary’s has grown and will continue to do so.