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In booking your stay in accommodation located at the University of Durham (the “Accommodation”), you acknowledge that you understand that the Accommodation shall be located within the Colleges of the University of Durham, and therefore are aware that all such accommodation is customarily used for student residence during the University’s academic terms.

In addition, you hereby agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:

1. You understand that although The University will use all reasonable endeavours to accommodate any specific request you may make in regards to the position, floor, facilities etc in relation to the Accommodation, we cannot guarantee these will be met. At all times, we reserve the right to withdraw specific bedrooms or suites from service and allocate an alternative for your Accommodation.

2. The accommodation will be made available to you from 2.00pm on the date of your arrival. You must vacate the Accommodation by 10.00 am on the day of your scheduled departure.

3. Facilities may be offered to you for storage of your luggage and other personal items in the event your transport is scheduled to depart later than 10am on the date of your departure, however, should you wish to take advantage of such facilities, you understand that you do so at your own risk, and understand that we shall not be responsible for any theft, loss or damage suffered to any such luggage. A surcharge will be added to your account in the event that you fail to vacate the Accommodation by 10.00 am on the day of your scheduled departure

4. We use our best endeavours always to accommodate the needs of guests with disabilities, however regrettably, due to the historic nature of the Accommodation; some parts of the Accommodation are unsuitable for guests in wheelchairs as access to some public areas may be via steps/heavy Fire Doors. If you feel this may affect your ability to use the Accommodation, you should contact us in advance, to check the Accommodation will suit your needs.

5. Car parking at the Accommodation may be provided subject to availability. Where car parking facilities are provided at the Accommodation, you must ensure that your car registration details are provided to staff on request.

6. The accommodation is provided to you under a strict No Smoking policy and you must therefore ensure that you and any guests allowed to enter the Accommodation comply with this policy. In the event that you or any guest you allow to enter the Accommodation breaches this policy, we reserve the right to charge you for any associated cleaning costs or any other loss or damage incurred as a result of such breach. You and/or any of your guests will be asked to leave the Accommodation should they be caught smoking outside of the designated smoking areas.

7. Your Accommodation is provided to you as a package, and therefore we are under no obligation to offer any adjustment to such charges in the event of your temporary absence from the Accommodation for any reason, any inclusive meals you choose not to take, or, in the event of your premature departure from the Accommodation for any reason.

8. You hereby accept full responsibility for the behaviour of any of your invited guests for the duration of your stay.

9. You hereby confirm you understand acknowledge and agree that:
a. We reserve the right to judge acceptable levels of noise or behaviour, whether this is by yourself or any of your invited guests. You must ensure, and are solely responsible for ensuring that any guests you allow to enter the Accommodation, shall comply with all directions given by our staff in regards to noise and appropriate behaviour
b. We reserve the right to exclude or eject any person from the Accommodation where we reasonably consider such person to be objectionable. In the event of such an occurrence, we shall be free to do so, without any liability to refund to you any charges paid or offer any form of compensation.
c. In staying in the Accommodation, you hereby indemnify us against all and any losses, costs, damages and expenses we suffer or incur arising out of any exclusion, ejection, termination and circumstances giving rise thereto.
d. You shall be fully liable for any damage or destruction of the Accommodation or any property belonging to the University of Durham and for any unusual cleaning bills incurred as a direct result of any negligent act or omission you may commit during the course of your stay at the Accommodation or by the actions of any guest you may invite to the Accommodation.

10. You shall be solely responsible for the safeguard of all personal belongings taken into any public area of the Accommodation during the duration of your stay. The University shall accept no responsibility for any loss or damage to any personal belongings deposited in cloakrooms or left unattended in public areas of the Accommodation.

11. You shall make full payment of all charges for the Accommodation on demand.

12. Where we have reasonable commercial or operational reasons for doing so (including, but not limited to, the carrying out of works on the relevant accommodation or the Accommodation being otherwise unavailable), we reserve the right to change the Accommodation for an alternative which, in our reasonable opinion is of equal suitability. In the event this should become necessary, we shall use all reasonable endeavours to notify you as soon as reasonably practicable

13. In the event that you have any complaint or dispute in relation to the booking or the Accommodation, you should submit such complaint or dispute to us in writing within seven (7) Working Days of your stay.

14. We warrant to you that all Personal Data (as defined in the data protection leglislation) provided to us in relation to your stay, shall be handled strictly in accordance with said Act as amended, and with the provisions of any other applicable data protection legislation.

15. These conditions shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of England. The Parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.