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Postgraduate College Comparison Table

Please see the below table for a comparison of our Colleges who accept postgraduate applicants.

College Year Founded No of Full Time Student Members No of UG & PG Students Living in College No of New PG Rooms No of Ensuite New PG Rooms



Gowned Formal Dinners Chapel/Multi-faith Room
College of St Hild & St Bede 1839 1426 426 80 80 S N N
Collingwood College 1972 1826 555 42 0 C N N
Grey College 1959 1385 463 83 55 C/S Y Y
Hatfield College 1846 1416 400 60 48 C/S Y Y
John Snow College 2001 1432 496 92 62 S Y Y
Josephine Butler College 2006 1522 546 90 90 S Y Y
South College 2020 1312 496 92 62 S Y Y
St Aidan's College 1947 1069 384 93 62 C/S N Y
St Chad's College 1904 709 249 44 27 C/S Y Y
St Cuthbert's Society 1888 1423 468 72 72 S N N
St John's College 1909 733 251 40 0 C Y Y
St Mary's College 1899 1147 395 20 48 C/S Y Y
Stephenson College 2001 1312 433 78 78 S N N
Trevelyan College 1966 1017 359 48 27 C Y Y
University College 1832 1635 538 120 120 S Y Y
Ustinov College (PG only) 1965 1143 495 382 345 S N N
Van Mildert College 1965 1576 376 61 61 C N N