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Twice-round-the-world triathlon: Durham alumni remember fellow students

Three men wearing cyling gear smiling at the camera

Date: June 2024

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Most people start a new year with resolutions to live more healthily, complete long-term projects, or make other positive changes to their lives. Participating in a twice-round-the-world triathlon isn’t usually on most people’s list.

In January 2023, alumnus Tom Hughes (Psychology, St Aidan’s College, 1998-2001), together with 42 others from around the world, of which 33 are Durham alumni, decided to embark on exactly that journey. With a target of cycling, running or swimming 80,150km (the equivalent distance of twice round the world, or 1,541km each week) by the end of 2023, the participants had their work cut out for them.

In memory

The twice-round-the-world triathlon was launched as a vehicle to remember two Durham alumni, Lieutenant Richard Palmer (Combined Social Sciences, College of St Hild & St Bede, 1998-2003), and Flight Lieutenant David Sale (Engineering, St Aidan’s College, 1997-2001).

Whilst at Durham, Richard (known as ‘Briggs’) and David (‘Jacko’) were both involved in the University Hockey Club, where they crossed paths and were friends with a great number of the participants of the triathlon. Upon graduating, both Richard and David headed on to military careers in the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and the Royal Air Force respectively. In 2006 Richard died following a roadside bomb attack in Southern Iraq. A year later, David passed away in a helicopter accident in Catterick, North Yorkshire. They are both greatly missed and since 2008, various groups of friends, family and alumni have come together to complete sporting challenges to hold them close in their memories.

The twice-round-the-world triathlon was an extension of previous initiatives, and Tom adds: “the triathlon was something that could be fitted into our lives a bit more easily. It’s connected us around the world, with two of us in New Zealand, two in Uganda, four in North America, two in the UAE and other countries besides.”

United by Durham sport and colleges

The twice-round-the-world triathlon had a goal to fundraise for two charities that are important to Richard and David’s families – ABF The Soldiers’ Charity, and the RAF Benevolent Fund. Donations are still welcomed, and Tom is delighted that the £5,000 raised has far surpassed the original target set. Of the 33 Durham alumni, 28 knew each other by having participated in sport at Durham - mostly hockey, but also lacrosse. Other alumni were drawn into the challenge through college friendships. The remainder of the participants consisted of David and Richard’s family members, school or Royal Air Force colleagues.

For Tom, the connections he formed through his college and sporting experiences, combined with those from his academic studies make for positive memories: “My enduring recollections of Durham are the happy balance of involvement in the University sports team, my college and my degree; three complementary, yet different, environments. And our friendships have endured.”

From ultra marathons to weekly walks and everything in between

With a roster of international participants, the twice-round-the-world triathlon has needed to navigate numerous barriers, including time zones, varying methods of communication, and motivation.

Tom explains how it all worked: “We set ourselves weekly targets at the start of the year (for one, two or three of the usual triathlon disciplines – running, cycling or swimming) and then sought to achieve them every week. Any intentional exercise that was completed primarily with health or fitness in mind was permitted. We submitted a google form each week to log what we'd completed. 

“We’ve had some remarkable contributions over the course of the year, with our most prolific team members in each discipline contributing 9,350km (on the bike), 4,224km (running), and 90km (in the pool). One completed the highly competitive ultra marathon Ultra Trail de Mont Blanc (UTMB), and another tackled the notorious 70 mile Wall Ultra Marathon. Various marathons were also undertaken. But the story has also been one of consistency over intensity, and we equally valued those that achieved their targets, however big or small, every week of the year. 

“On two occasions we permitted 'friends and family' to join in (as long as they exercised along with the participant), so we had some pretty cool examples of the challenge mobilising whole families to get out and about, in a lot of snow, rain and wind!” 

An international collective effort

With one week remaining in 2023, the group were 2,500km short of reaching their target. Thanks to a last-ditch effort between Christmas and the New Year, and with 10 hours remaining on the clock, Tom and the team finally made it, completing the twice-round-the-world triathlon in the nick of time.

After some reflection, Tom draws the following conclusions: “it really has been a memorable year for us all. Achieving our weekly targets and ‘doing our bit’ to get to our 52-week target turned out to be important motivators, as was re-connecting with each other in Briggs and Jacko’s memory. Finding something that has been good for us and good for the charities we’ve raised money for, has made 2023 a year to remember.”

“Our alumni show us every day just how special they really are. The connections they forge at Durham are lifelong - and global. The importance of extra-curricular activities as an integral part of Durham’s wider student experience cannot be overstated. This rich ecosystem helps our students create friendships that transcend disciplines and continue long into graduate lives.”

- Glen Whitehead, Director of Alumni Relations and Development


View some of the triathlon activities that took place

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Stuart Green (Physics, Trevelyan College, 1998-2002), Alex Potter (Cell Biology, Van Mildert College, 1994-97), and Alex Ginger (MEng in Engineering, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1994-98)

Tom Hughes (Psychology, St Aidan’s College, 1998-2001)

Caroline Beresford (Classics, St Aidan’s College, 1998-2001), and Ian Beresford (Geology, St Aidan’s College, 1998-2001)

A women running

Sarah Munday (Economics, Hatfield College, 1998-2001)

A women running away from the camera towards the finishing arch of the Ultra Trail de Mont Blanc ultramarathon

Sarah Munday (Economics, Hatfield College, 1998-2001)

A women running towards the camera, towards the finish line of the UTMB

Sarah Munday (Economics, Hatfield College, 1998-2001)

A women running on a grassy hillside in the sunshine with the sea in the background

Lorna Hughes (History, College of St Hild and St Bede, 2003-06)

A red haired man in running gear taking a selfie with a range of hills behind him

Petey Ellis (Mathematics, Collingwood College, 1998-2001)

A close-up of a women in a fluorescent yellow jacket and royal blue bike helmet in the rain

Cath Brazier (Sport in the Community, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1998-2001)

A group of three women and a man smiling at the camera

Liz Thornton (Modern Languages, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2002), Hannah Eames (Anthropology, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001), Sarah Wylie (Combined Social Sciences, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001), and Olly Smith (Politics, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001)

A woman running in a crowd whilst celebrating by throwing her arms in the air

Lucy Klimowicz (Sport in the Community, Grey College, 2000-03)

A women perched on top of a drystone wall wearing running gear

Sarah Wylie (Combined Social Sciences, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001)

A woman in a swimming pool

Louise Ellis (Natural Sciences, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1997-2001)

Durham alumni in the twice-round-the-world challenge 

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Arranged alphabetically by surname:

Nicola Armstrong

née Speller

Combined Social Sciences, Collingwood College, 1998-2001

Caroline Beresford

née Dykes

Classics, St Aidan’s College, 1998-2001
Ian Beresford Geology, St Aidan’s College, 1998-2001
Cath Brazier  Sport in the Community, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1998-2001
Tiff Broome  Sport in the Community, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1999-2002
Gary Buckingham  MEng in Engineering, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1996-2000
Ben Cox  Combined Social Sciences, St Aidan’s College, 1999-2002
Tom Curry  Geography, University College, 1999-2002

Hannah Eames

née Quarmby

Anthropology, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001

Louise Ellis 

née Constantine

Natural Sciences, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1997-2001
Petey Ellis  Mathematics, Collingwood College, 1998-2001
Alex Ginger  MEng in Engineering, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1994-98 
Stuart Green  Physics, Trevelyan College, 1998-2002

Lorna Hughes

née Hitchcock

History, College of St Hild and St Bede, 2003-06
Tom Hughes  Psychology, St Aidan’s College, 1998-2001
DJ Hunter  MEng in Engineering, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2002
Scott Kirkwood  Economics, Hatfield College, 2000-03

Lucy Klimowicz

née Adams

Sport in the Community, Grey College, 2000-03 
Paul Klimowicz  Natural Sciences, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001
Guy Lockwood  Combined Social Sciences, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1999-2002
Phil Marshall  Sport in the Community, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1999-2002
Henry Mumme-Young Ancient, Medieval and Modern History, Hatfield College, 2001-04
Sarah Munday  Economics, Hatfield College, 1998-2001
Alex Orchard  MEng in Engineering, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1996-2000
Richard Pickersgill  Sport in the Community, St Cuthbert’s Society, 1997-2000

Sally Pickersgill

née Spencer

Chemistry, Collingwood College, 1999-2003
Alex Potter  Cell Biology, Van Mildert College, 1994-97
Ed Rogers  Economics, University College, 1998-2001
Mark Scholey  History, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1996-99
Darran Smith  History, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1997-2000
Olly Smith  Politics, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001
Liz Thornton  Modern Languages, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2002 

Sarah Wylie

née Clarke

Combined Social Sciences, College of St Hild and St Bede, 1998-2001


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