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Celebrating our success in the Green Gown Awards 2024

We were delighted to attend the UK & Ireland Green Gown Awards Ceremony at Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh on 13 November 2024 as we reached the finals in two categories including Creating Impact and Sustainability Institution of the Year.
A bird standing on a lush green field

Durham Drama Festival celebrates its 50th anniversary

This annual festival of new student writing for theatre will launch celebrations to mark its 50th year in 2025.
A graphic reading 'Durham Drama Festival' and showing the dates for 2025

Celebrating our aspiring entrepreneurs

We are celebrating our student and graduate entrepreneurs this week as part of Global Entrepreneurship Week (Monday 18 – Sunday 24 November).
Image includes headshots of the two students/alumni - Yuk and Mohammad.

Norwegian Ambassador to the UK visits Durham

His Excellency, Tore Hattrem, Norwegian Ambassador to the United Kingdom visited Durham earlier this week.

Our Chancellor reflects on US election results with University community

Our Chancellor, Dr Fiona Hill, met with staff, students and friends of the University as they came together to discuss the US election results and their wider significance, both domestically and for foreign policy in the US, the UK, and Europe.
A group of people standing in front of a building

$4.15m (£3.2m) donation from Dr Neil Hunt to inspire future tech leaders

New sustainability-focused scholarships will be established and student entrepreneurship enhanced thanks to a US $4.15 (£3.2) million donation from tech pioneer, former Netflix executive and Durham alumnus Dr Neil Hunt.
Neil Hunt and Julie Raymond

We’re expanding our postgraduate offering with a real focus on employability

Thinking of studying a Masters in 2025? Consider one of our new postgraduate degrees and elevate your career at a World Top 100 university.
A group of people sitting at a table

Durham joins Arqus Alliance to help shape higher education across Europe

Durham University has joined the Arqus European University Alliance (Arqus) as an associate member.
Professor Karen O’Brien, Vice-Chancellor and Warden of Durham University with Arqus representative

‘Welcome to Utopia’: our flagship Charity Fashion Show launches

A new student executive team is setting the wheels in motion for this year's campaign.
student models on stage at the DUCFS Fashion Show

Nature Positive: We're Highly Commended in the International Green Gown Awards

We're delighted to announce that our project entitled 'Enhancing Biodiversity at Durham' has been Highly Commended for the Nature Positive category in the International Green Gown Awards 2024. Ian Armstrong, Biodiversity Manager in our Estates and Facilities Directorate, explains more about the project and how it supports our sustainability strategy.
a large brick building with a metal fence

Margaret Bloomfield Scholarships

We are delighted to announce the launch of our Margaret Bloomfield Scholarships. Margaret Bloomfield (English Literature, St Mary’s College, 1944-47) left a generous gift to St Mary’s College that will prove transformational for a number of students and for the College.
Blac and white photo of young Margaret

Durham visits USA for West Coast networking events

University colleagues joined alumni, supporters and representatives from Scheinman Career Networking at events in Seattle and San Francisco.
Alumni in San Francisco