Arthur Browne
Opening the doors for a research career in Physics
From left to right: Ms Louise McLaren, Professor Martin ward, Mr Arthur Browne, Professor Paula Chadwick.
After graduating, Arthur Browne (Physics, University College, 1953) went on to have a successful and varied career in applied physics. Highlights of his career include field research on the measurements of the angular diameters of stars, and a contribution to the design of a computerised reading aid for visually impaired people.
Arthur chose to leave a gift in his will to help students achieve their dream to undertake research in Physics. He saw his contribution as both an investment in people and an investment in furthering research in Physics. Because he chose to release some of the money from his legacy gift during his lifetime, Arthur was delighted to have the opportunity to meet the first recipients of this scholarship and see the impact of his generosity.
Arthur was a much-respected supporter of the University. He was not only valued for his generosity but for the spirit in which he approached his giving, with a down-to-earth, kind-hearted attitude that made looking after him and his donations a pleasure for my colleagues and me.
The funds that Arthur gave to the Physics Department make possible three different awards:
- The Arthur Browne Masters by Research Prize.
- PhD Studentships.
- Undergraduate Summer Studentships.
The Arthur Browne Masters by Research Prize is an annual award of £6000 which is given to a postgraduate student who is studying for a Masters by Research and is making excellent progress. So far, the award has supported four students. This was established during Arthur’s lifetime.
The other two awards are more recent and stem from the legacy Arthur left the Department.
The Arthur Browne PhD Studentships allow us to co-fund PhD studies with external partners (including industry). We were delighted to welcome our first two PhD scholars in autumn 2024. These first awards have been given to a student who will be working with Professors Tom Lancaster and Stewart Clark in collaboration with ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, a world-leading centre for research at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire; and to a student working with Professor Simon Cornish and OpenQuantum, a company based in Norfolk that builds quantum computers.
The Arthur Browne Summer Studentships are targeted at undergraduates who have completed at least the first two years of their degree, and the studentships offer these students a chance to do research in the Physics Department. Projects are devised by staff in Physics and students apply for places. These opportunities are highly sought-after. Arthur’s gift provides students with funds to cover their living expenses, making the placements accessible to all students regardless of means.
In a typical year, the 12 studentships funded by Arthur’s gift include topics in astrophysics, quantum technology, condensed matter theory, and public outreach. This programme allows students to discover whether a research career is for them (and maybe write a scientific paper), as well as giving them something for their CVs that will make them stand out from the crowd.