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Hate Crime Project Phases

Hate Crime Project Phases

The project consisted of 4 phases, as follows:


Phase 1

This included convening a Steering Group which had oversight for project work and was responsible for ensuring appropriate research was carried out. The Steering Group was constituted of five members of staff and four student leaders and had their first meeting in June 2018.

The Steering Group approved a research brief to include development of a survey, holding of focus groups and workshops (if practicable), and surveying those university and student groups who provide support to understand the frequency and types of contacts they receive. The purpose of the research was to better understand the experiences of members of the university community to help inform reporting mechanisms, responses protocols and interventions, and support tools.


Phase 2

This included the convening of the Engagement Group (formerly known as Task & Finish Group) comprised of students and staff tasked with utilising the knowledge gained through the research from Phase One to tackle:

  • Reporting and Response
  • Support

The Engagement Group had responsibility for:

  1. The customisation of an online reporting tool, engaging with other universities during development and piloting;
  2. Developing and piloting of evidenced based response protocols (including case management) that address and remove barriers identified in research phase;
  3. Creating a campaign to promote the online reporting tool and support mechanisms;
  4. Identifying appropriate training to raise awareness;
  5. Ensuring tools, campaigns, and response protocols are embedded into University and community practice
  6. Evaluating the tools developed after pilot;
  7. Developing support tools/materials for use by students (self and peer support) and staff when encountering report or disclosure of religious or race-based hate crime (of all nature, those motivated by a person’s membership in a religion or perceived membership as well as those victimised for a lack of religion or belief);
  8. Developing training programmes for students/staff offering support drawing from examples across the catalyst network;
  9. Incorporating religious/race based hate crime into active bystander training;
  10. Consultation with those in the University providing regular support to students and staff; and
  11. Reporting regularly on progress to the Steering Group.


Phase 3

This consisted of piloting the reporting tool and the programme of support and intervention with review, evaluation and monitoring designed by the Steering Group and completed by the Engagement Group.

Report triaging responsibilities will sit with the EDI Lead/Officer, who will report to the Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.


Phase 4

This involved the creation of a report designed to share the findings and outcomes of the piloted programmes; which will be shared widely among various groups / institutions (such as the Hate Crime Catalyst Fund Network and other HEs and regional FEs) and other stakeholders.