Durham University Publication Scheme
As well as responding to requests under the Freedom of Information Act for information that the University holds, the Act also requires us to have a publication scheme that outlines the information routinely published by the University. This information is free of charge.
If the information you require is not already published on our website, you can submit a Freedom of Information Request.
Who we are and what we do
Durham University is a legally independent and autonomous institution established by Act of Parliament in 1832 and Royal Charter in 1837. It is also an educational charity..
Information about the origins of the University The University’s Charitable Status can be found on this webpage Charitable Status - Durham University
Durham University is required to register as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner's Office. Our registration number is Z5704339.
The University’s address is:
The Palatine Centre, Stockton Road, Durham, DH1 3LE
Telephone 0191 3342000
Visit us - directions and maps
At Durham academic success is only half the story. Our transformative wider student experience will also help you develop as a person.
What we spend and how we spend it
- The University’s Annual Reports and Financial Statements
- The University’s Ethical-Investment-Policy-July-2023.pdf (durham.ac.uk)
- The University’s financial regulations University Financial Regulations - Durham University
- Finance & Procurement Leadership Our People - Durham University
What are our priorities and how we are doing?
Our core goals are to deliver:
- World-leading and world-changing research and engagement across all core academic departments and institutes.
- Education that is challenging, enabling, research-led and transformative.
- A transformative wider student experience delivering long-lasting benefits for graduates and society.
Information on our rankings can be found here: About Us - Durham University
Our University Strategy is built on the three pillars of research, education and our wider student experience, but also on our keen sense of community and of inspiring others to achieve their potential. Read the University’s Strategy 2017-2027, along with our academic, transversal and enabling strategies to support this. Information on the refresh (2023) of the University’s Strategy may be available on request upon submission of a Freedom of Information request, contact info.access@durham.ac.uk).
We seek to provide a respectful and inclusive environment where all staff and students can thrive. Read how we are reflecting on our values.
Take a look at information relating to our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion and the latest news on what we are doing including our duties under the Equality Act 2010.
Our research values
Research Integrity means conducting research in a way that allows others to have confidence and trust in the methods and findings of the research. It relates to both the integrity of the research process and to the professional integrity of researchers. Core elements of research integrity (as set out in the Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity) are: honesty, rigour, transparency and open communication, care and respect, and accountability.
Research ethics is a key part of research integrity which aims to safeguard the interests and well-being of researchers, participants and others impacted by the research (whether human or non-human), as well the environment and wider society.
Research governance relates to the processes which underpin integrity and ethics, and compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.
Our key research policies are:
- Ethics & Governance - Durham University
- Policy on Ethics in Research and Scholarship
- Research Integrity Policy and Code of Good Practice
- Research Publications Policy
- Research Misconduct Policy
- Responsible Use of Metrics Policy
- Responsible Use of Metrics Statement
We are always developing new ways of thinking to shape a better future for people and our planet. Find out about our environmental, social and economic sustainability, including our rankings.
How we make decisions
The University’s Council is supported by several Committees. Details of these are available as below:
- https://www.durham.ac.uk/about-us/governance/council/
- The University’s Governance structures
- Our Senior Leadership Team
Policies and Procedures
Our policies and procedures may be available upon request: info.access@durham.ac.uk
Lists and registers
Senior staff declarations of interests
We make available our University Council Register of Interests (scroll to the bottom of the page to find this). Information on other senior staff declaration of interests may be available on written request, subject to any relevant exemptions. Requests should be directed to: info.access@durham.ac.uk
Register of gifts and hospitality provided to senior staff and register of interests
Gifts and Hospitality Details of gifts and hospitality offered to University colleagues are captured and monitored to ensure:
- that gifts and hospitality do not influence, or appear to influence, decisions, judgements and integrity
- that potential risk and reputation are considered in the acceptance of gifts and hospitality
- the acceptance of gifts and hospitality is open and transparent
- best practice regarding anti-bribery and corruption.
It is anticipated that the majority of offers of gifts and hospitality above the threshold will be declined unless it can be justified as to why it should be accepted. Where gifts or hospitality are accepted, this must not create an obligation on the individual or the institution, or constitute an actual or perceived inducement in respect of a decision.
Staff members must record the gift or hospitality offered, even if declined. Key staff confirm annually all gifts or hospitality offered, with an estimated value of £100 or more, stating whether these were accepted or declined. These key staff are those deemed most likely to receive offers of gifts or hospitality and comprise:
- UEC members
- Heads of Departments
- College Principals
- Directors of Professional Services.
A register of gifts and hospitality is held by the University but they are not available on our website because they are constantly being updated. However, this information may be available on written request, subject to any relevant exemptions. Requests should be directed to: info.access@durham.ac.uk
Conflicts of Interest
The University maintains a Register of Interests in relation to members of Council and Statutory Officers. Declarations of interest in relation to their families and of any other person with whom they have a close connection:
- Names of firms or organisations in which they have a substantial interest
- Personal or family interests in University employees
- Personal interests in other Higher Education Institutions.
This information may be available by contacting info.access@durham.ac.uk
Services we offer
The University offers a wide range of academic, administrative and commercial services. If you are unable to locate the information you require, please contact info.access@durham.ac.uk
Applying to Durham University
- Information for prospective undergraduates
- Information for prospective postgraduates
- Fees and Funding
- Durham University Alumni
Student support and wellbeing
- Applicants with disabilities
- Student Disability Support
- Student Counselling and Mental Health
- Student Support and Wellbeing
- Chaplaincy
Student Accommodation
- Undergraduate College allocation process
- Postgraduate College allocation process
- Explore our Colleges
- College accommodation and catering charges
- Sports and recreation
- Fitness Centre and Classes
Staff information including reward and benefits for candidates
Library and Collections including museums and galleries
Things to do – including events coming up and latest news
Venue hire and events, including a full event management service.