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Ordinance 8 Academic Electoral Assembly

This Ordinance was adopted by the Council on 16 May 2023

1. General

a) This Ordinance supports Statute 13 and should be read in conjunction with it.

b) Terms defined in the Statutes will have the same meaning in these Ordinances.

c) Terms defined in Ordinance 13 shall apply to all Ordinances.

2. Membership

In addition to the membership of the Academic Electoral Assembly (AEA) set out in Statute 13 the following other staff shall be members of the AEA:  

a) The Vice-Principal (or a member of college staff of equivalent rank) from each of the Recognised Colleges or Licensed Halls of Residence.

b) All those members of the staff of the University performing academic or academic-related roles, normally taken to mean staff on Grade 7 or above.

3. Role  

The role of the AEA is:

a) To elect a constituent of the Senate membership;  

b) To provide a staff forum to inform matters of academic governance and provide comment to the Senate.  

4. Chair and Vice-Chair  

a) The AEA shall appoint its own chair and vice-chair.  Normally, a chair and a vice-chair shall be elected when appropriate by members of the Standing Committee of the AEA at its first meeting in the Michaelmas term from amongst the AEA members elected to the Senate. Both the chair and vice-chair shall serve for periods of three years subject to their continued membership of the Senate as AEA elected members.

b) The chair shall chair all meetings of the AEA. In the absence of the chair the vice-chair shall chair. In the absence of both the chair and the vice-chair from any meeting of the AEA, the members present shall elect a chair of the meeting.

c) If a casual vacancy for the chair or vice-chair is created during the academic year, a new chair or vice-chair will be elected by members of the Standing Committee of the AEA to serve for the remainder of the academic year.  

5. The Standing Committee of the AEA

a) There shall be a Standing Committee of the AEA which shall consist of all AEA-elected members of the Senate.

b) Any member of the Standing Committee of the AEA who ceases to be a member of the AEA shall cease to be a member of the Standing Committee of the AEA from the date that their AEA membership terminates.

c) The chair and vice-chair of the AEA shall be the chair and vice-chair of the Standing Committee of the AEA.

d) The role of the Standing Committee of the AEA is to:  

  1. consider items for inclusion on the agenda of any meetings of the AEA convened under paragraph 8 below and to prepare any papers relating to such items;
  2. consider any matters drawn to the attention of the Standing Committee of the AEA by any member or members of the AEA and to decide whether such matters should be brought to the attention of the AEA, with or without a recommendation from the Standing Committee of the AEA.

e) A meeting of the Standing Committee of the AEA shall normally be held before each meeting of the Senate.

6. Secretariat

The University Secretary, or their nominee, shall act as secretary to the AEA.  

7. Election of members to the Senate

a) The AEA shall elect the number of members to the Senate as set down in Statute 4.  

b) Given the Senate's responsibilities as the guardian of academic standards and a debating forum for matters of strategic academic importance, AEA members nominated for election to the Senate are expected to demonstrate the following:

  1. A commitment to attend and participate in meetings of the Senate and the Standing Committee of the AEA normally twice a term;
  2. Sufficient relevant experience of teaching and/or research to be able to contribute effectively to discussions on academic policy at the Senate. This experience should be derived from playing a significant and direct role in these activities at an appropriate level. The University Secretary shall make final decisions regarding candidate eligibility to stand for election, suitability of supporting statements, and conduct of the election.

c) Elections from the AEA to the Senate shall take place during Easter Term of each academic year.

d) A two-week period shall be established to provide members of the AEA who wish to stand for election with the opportunity to submit expressions of interests and supporting statements for their candidacy.

e) The election period will be of at least 7 days.

f) The result of the election shall be communicated to all candidates, and the names of the candidates elected shall be made available on the AEA webpage, together with the total voter turnout for the election.

g) Criteria for expressions of interest and supporting statements, candidate eligibility, and the structure of elections shall be proposed by the University Secretary or their nominee, and approved by the Senate.  

8. Meetings

a) The chair may at their discretion call a meeting of the AEA and further meetings shall be called if they are requested in writing by at least twenty members of the AEA.

b) Any matter covered by the remit of the Senate may be discussed at meetings of the AEA and recommendations may be made to the Senate as the AEA considers appropriate.

c) Notice of meetings, together with the agenda, shall normally be published not later than the seventh day preceding that on which the AEA is to meet. No business shall be taken at these meetings which does not appear on the agenda.

d) The chair shall agree if it is appropriate for non-AEA members to attend meetings of the AEA. Closed meetings shall be held at the discretion of the chair or when a simple majority of members present and voting at the meeting request that the meeting be closed. Whenever matters arise at an open meeting which require separate discussion and voting, the chair shall direct that these take place after non-AEA members have left the meeting.

e) Minutes of meetings of the AEA shall be maintained by the University Secretary’s Office.

9. Quorum

a) The quorum at any business meeting of the AEA is at least 25 members.  

b) If a meeting of the AEA is inquorate, the chair can agree to discuss issues and seek the opinion of those present, but no decisions can be agreed. If a meeting of the AEA is quorate at the start, the business transacted at the meeting shall be treated as if the meeting were quorate unless and until, on a challenge by a member present, the meeting is found to be inquorate.

c) Meetings may be held in person or by suitable electronic means provided all members of the AEA are given the opportunity and are able to participate.  

10. Order of Business

Subject to the discretion of the chair, the order of business at an ordinary meeting shall be:

  1. Minutes
  2. Business arising out of the minutes
  3. Any business required by the Statutes or Ordinances
  4. Business, if any, remaining from the last meeting
  5. Any matters referred to the AEA from the Senate or the Council  
  6. Other items of business of which notice shall appear on the agenda 

11. Notice of Motions

The full terms of motions to be placed upon the agenda must reach the University Secretary in writing not later than the eighth day before the day of the meeting.

12. Voting

Voting on motions shall be by a show of hands unless any member desires that a ballot be taken. Decisions shall be made by majority of those present and voting.

13. Rules of Debate

Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, the normally accepted rules of procedure for debate shall be accepted. In the event of any dispute the decision of the chair shall be final.

14. Amendment of Regulation

Any proposal by the AEA for the amendment of this Ordinance requires the Senate’s approval, it shall be submitted to the University Secretary, in writing, not later than the fourteenth day before the date of the meeting at which it is to be discussed. In any event, this Ordinance may only be amended in accordance with the Statutes.