Ordinance 7 Colleges and Societies
This Ordinance was adopted by the Council on 5 December 2023
1. General
a) This Ordinance supports Statute 12 and should be read in conjunction with it.
b) Terms defined in Statutes will have the same meaning in these Ordinances.
c) Terms defined in Ordinance 13 shall apply to all Ordinances.
2. Purpose and Role
The purpose and role of the Colleges and Societies is as set out by Council from time to time in the University’s Wider Student Experience Strategy.
3. Maintained Colleges
The following colleges and societies are Maintained Colleges:
- University College;
- Hatfield College;
- Grey College;
- St Mary's College;
- St Aidan's College;
- St Cuthbert's Society;
- Van Mildert College;
- Ustinov College;
- Trevelyan College;
- Collingwood College;
- The College of St Hild and St Bede;
- John Snow College;
- George Stephenson College;
- Josephine Butler College; and
- South College.
4. Recognised Colleges
a) St Chad's College and St John's College are Recognised Colleges.
b) The Council may recognise other colleges in the county of Durham as Recognised Colleges.
c) The University shall have no property in, or financial responsibility for, the Recognised Colleges.
d) The relationship between the University and each of the Recognised Colleges shall be set down in a memorandum of agreement.
e) The following conditions shall apply to the Recognised Colleges:
- The appointment of the head of a Recognised College shall require the approval of the Council;
- A Recognised College shall be open to inspection by or on behalf of the Council; and
- Any proposed change in the constitution or instrument of government of a Recognised College shall be notified to the Council.
f) The University's recognition may be withdrawn by the Council if:
- the conditions in paragraph 4 e) of this Ordinance are infringed; or
- the Council considers that, in its opinion, changes have been made in the Recognised College's constitution or conduct which unfavourably affect the status of the University.
5. College Membership
Each registered student of the University shall be a member of one of the colleges or societies named in paragraph 3 or 4 above and shall be allocated to that college or society by the University.