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Ordinance 13 Definitions

This Ordinance was adopted by the Council on 5 December 2023

Statute 2, Clause 2.1: In these Statutes the definitions and interpretation in this Clause 2.1 apply.


1. This Ordinance supports Statute 2 and all other Ordinances and should be read in conjunction with them.

2. Terms defined in the Statutes will have the same meaning in these Ordinances and appear below with a * and may only be amended by amending the Statutes.  

3. References to Clauses are references to provisions in the Statutes.

4. In the Ordinances the definitions in this Ordinance apply:

Academic Electoral Assembly* - the academic electoral assembly of the University established under Statute 13.

Academic Office - The professional administrative support service to staff, students and potential students of the University.

Academic Staff* - all University Staff who are employed at grade 7 or above to undertake teaching and/or research.

the Act* - the Universities of Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne Act 1963.

Alumni - Graduates of the University.

Anglican Communion - Anglican churches throughout the world who are in communion with the See of Canterbury.

Appointed Council Member* - a member of the Council who is appointed by the Council.

the Appointed Day* - 1 August, 1963.

Board of Electors - A board constituted for the purpose of recommending a Canon Professor in accordance with Ordinance 10 for appointment by the Lord Bishop of Durham.

Boards of Studies* - the Boards of Studies of the University established under Statute 15.

Boards of Studies' Sub Committees - sub committees established by Boards of Studies.

Budget Officer - a budget officer appointed under Clause 3.3.

Canon Professor* - the role established under Statute 19 and appointed in accordance with the Ordinances.

the Cathedral - The cathedral church of Durham, a Christian church of the Anglican Communion and of the Church of England and the seat of the Lord Bishop of Durham and regulated by its constitution and statutes.

Chairs of Boards of Studies - The relevant Heads of Departments (or schools) from time to time.

Chancellor* - the role established under Statute 7.

Charity Commission* - the registrar and regulator of registered charities in England and Wales.

Chief Financial Officer* - the role established under Statute 10.

Clause* - a provision in the Statutes.

Colleges - means Maintained and Recognised Colleges.

Co-opted Senate Member* - a member of the Senate co-opted to the Senate in accordance with Statute 4.

Connected Person* - any person who would be considered connected to a member of the Council under section 188 Charities Act 2011.

Convocation* - the convocation of the University established under Statute 16.

the Council* - the governing body of the University established under Statute 3.

Dean and Chapter of Durham - The governing body of the Cathedral, however that governing body shall be known from time to time.

Deputy to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)* - the person appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances.

Dean of Durham* - the dean of the Cathedral and during any vacancy in that office, shall be deemed to mean the role of vice-dean of the cathedral church of Durham or any person from time to time fulfilling the role of the dean on an interim basis.

Dean of the Graduate School* - the person appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances.

Department* - an academic department devoted to a particular academic discipline.

Deputy Executive Deans - the deputy heads of Faculties.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost* - the person appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances.

Director of CIS (Chief Information Officer)* - the person appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances.

Directors of the Combined Programme - the collective term for the appointees of the Faculties to provide academic leadership for undergraduate combined honours and certain cross-Department masters programmes.

DSO Framework - Durham Students Organisations' Framework.

Elected Senate Member* - a member of the Senate elected to the Senate in accordance with Statute 4.

Emeritus Staff - retired or former members of staff who retain a formal link with the University.

Endowed Libraries* - the charity known as Bishop Cosin's Library founded by a charter of 20 September 1669; and the charity known as the Maltby library consisting of the books, maps, engravings, prints and other pictures given or bequeathed by the Right Reverend Edward Maltby, Lord Bishop of Durham.

Executive Faculty Dean* - the head of a Faculty.

Ex Officio Council Member* - member of the Council designated as ex officio members in accordance with Statute 3.

Ex Officio Lay Member* - the member of the Council designated as an ex officio Lay Member in accordance with Statute 3.

Ex Officio Members of Boards of Studies - members of Boards of Studies designated as ex officio in accordance with the Ordinances.

Ex Officio Senate Member* - a member of the Senate designated as an ex officio member in accordance with Statute 4.

Faculty* - a faculty of the University established under Statute 14.  

Faculty Board - a board established to provide the Executive Dean of a Faculty with guidance and advice relating to academic development.

Financial Regulations - the regulations of the University from time to time relating to financial controls and processes.

Foundation of Durham Cathedral - a new Foundation Cathedral through which canon professors are appointed by the Lord Bishop of Durham to become members of the Chapter of Durham Cathedral.

Head of Department* - the person or persons appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances in relation to each Department.

Head of Faculty* - the person or persons appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances in relation to each Faculty.

Honorary Graduates - persons of appropriate distinction, other than members of University staff who merit special recognition for outstanding achievement and distinction in a field or activity consonant with the mission of the University who are awarded the title of Honorary Graduate.

Honorary Staff - persons of appropriate distinction, other than University Staff, who have an ongoing association with the University in the areas of education and / or research and who are awarded the title of Honorary Staff.

Lay Member* - an individual who is not a member of University Staff or a student of the University or any of its Recognised Colleges, being those members of the Council appointed in accordance with Clauses 3.6.2 a) and 3.6.3.

Librarian* - the person appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances.

Library - the University’s libraries and collections.

Lord Bishop of Durham* - the Lord Bishop of Durham for the time being.

Maintained College* - a college maintained by the University as part of the University (having no separate legal identity), for so long as it shall continue to be maintained by the University and listed in the Ordinances.

Membership Qualifications - the qualifications required to be a member of the University as set out in the Ordinances.

Objects* - to advance education, learning and research for the public benefit.

Office for Students*  - the regulator of higher education in England.

Officer* - an officer of the University as set out in Ordinances from time to time.

Ordinances* - the ordinances of the University adopted from time to time by the Council and in relation to Senate matters, following consultation with the Senate.

Privy Council* - the formal body of advisers to the sovereign of the United Kingdom.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor* - the person appointed from time to time to that role in accordance with the Ordinances.

Provost’s Board - A sub-committee of the University Executive Committee, chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost.

Recognised College* - a college of the University recognised by the Council pursuant to the Ordinances and listed in the Ordinances.

Registered Students - those students who are registered on a recognised programme of study at the University.

Seal* - the common seal of the University.

Secretary of Board of Studies - the person within a Board of Studies holding the role of department manager.

See of Durham* - the episcopal See of the Lord Bishop of Durham.

Senate* - the Senate of the University established under Statute 4.

Standing Committee of the Academic Electoral Assembly - members of the Academic Electoral Assembly (AEA), established under Statute 13, who are elected by the AEA to be members of Senate.

Statutory Bodies* - the Council and/or the Senate as applicable.

Student Common Room* - a student common room of a relevant college established in accordance with Clause 21.4.

Student Members of Boards of Studies - those students appointed as representatives on Boards of Studies.

Student Representatives* - those students appointed to the Senate in accordance with Clause 4.2.4.

the Students' Union* - the organisation recognised by the Council for the representation of the students.

Suffragan Bishop* - a suffragan bishop for the time being of the Diocese of Durham.

SU President* - the president of the Students' Union.

the University* - the University of Durham, including the Maintained Colleges (and societies).

University Executive Committee* - the executive board, group or committee of the University established under the Ordinances.

University Human Resources Director* - the most senior person responsible for the Human Resources (HR) department.

University Research Institutes - centrally funded interdisciplinary research groups.  

University Secretary* - the role established under Statute 9.

University Staff* - employees of the University, including Academic Staff.

Vice Chair of a Board of Studies - the person appointed to the role of vice chair from time to time of a Board of Studies.

Vice Chair of Senate - the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost from time to time.

Vice-Chancellor and Warden* - the role established under Statute 8. 

Vice-Principal - a member of the College senior management team, with a particular focus on student enrichment.

Visiting Staff - visiting staff to the University as prescribed through the University's process for appointing visiting staff.

Visitor* - the Lord Bishop of Durham.